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love stories

By asanté saundersPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

I wanna tell you How much I’ll miss you

But I don't wanna give you the satisfaction

Cuz Your actions

Are actually


As a reenactment

Of the time I practically

Told u 'I love you'

Threaded my confidence to go back to a time of happiness

Reincarnate the time I could make u smile when in ya presence

Its no coincidence you make my heart ache 'cuz

Your like the ballon that a child lets go in the sky

Like the tear that builds up right before you cry

Your like the last flower in garden thats yet to bloom

Like the cloud that blocks the sunrise & crescent moon

You're beyond beauty 'cuz words never described you

You're beyond power 'cuz weakness never embellished you

I wish I had the power to get you past my thoughts

But lately I feel the krypton is my own thoughts

You remind me of the time I fell and scrapped my knee

The pain of the world crashin' down from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet

Yet moments that felt like hours of neglect & pain turned into warmth & laughter

U are a replica of time

An embodiment of peace and spirituality

You are the kiss that heals the world of all its wounds indefinitely

My conscience gravitates to energy

And my aura shines brighter because of you

You are the reason my life has a purpose

For most people living forever is unfathomable

For most people death is the only reason there is purpose in life

Most people do not realize this yet believe this

Most people do not realize they’re in love until its too late

Nihilism & pessimism seems a lil more real

Maybe my black boy shame will turn to black man power

Still feel as if the kid in me controls me

I can never express my true self because I’m still a black boy

A boy who dreams about Selene next to the honeymoon

Lucid dreams feel better when there about you

Like a trip on LSD, a fire in my soul sparks because I can’t change reality

Feelings that can never be matched

I stare through nebulas & dark moons triumphing my enlightenment

Yet the darkness is still there

I still fear being alone

I still fear death

I still fear love

I vigorously search for what this all means

Yet Im still confused

Will I ever see you again

Will I ever hug you again

Will I ever laugh like that again

Will I ever feel that again

That feeling of not feeling

Not worrying

Not confused

Not dead

Mixed feelings cuz I don't know if you ever even felt the same

I doubt my soul can ever go thru this again

So I’ll keep feeding it love songs and poetic symphonies until Donnie Darko knocks on my window and I save the world

Maybe I’ll be successful

Maybe everything is for a reason and its all supposed to happen like this

An untold history of unmatched feelings is okay

I don't need assurance

I just need to know that no matter what

You’ll remember me

And you’ll smile

sad poetry

About the Creator

asanté saunders

sometimes i write poetry

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