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Happiness: The Eternal Flame that Guides Us through Life's Journey

By Miracle PhronesisPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Happiness, oh happiness,

A state of pure bliss,

A feeling so divine,

In the heart it resides.

It is a warm embrace,

A smile on the face,

A light that shines so bright,

A feeling of delight.

Happiness comes in many forms,

In love, in friendship, in moments of calm,

It's found in laughter, in joyful tears,

In a hug, a kiss, in moments of fears.

It's the simple things in life,

That bring happiness to our side,

A walk in the park, a good book to read,

A cup of tea, a sweet melody.

Happiness is not something we can buy,

It's not found in material things that we try,

It's the memories we make, the people we love,

The things we do, the passions we pursue.

Happiness is a journey, not a destination,

It's a way of life, a constant creation,

It's the choice we make every single day,

To be happy, to live life in our own way.

In moments of darkness, happiness can be hard,

But it's in those moments that we must try hard,

To find the light, to find the joy,

To hold onto hope, to not let go.

For happiness is a flame that burns within,

A light that shines through thick and thin,

It's a source of strength, a source of power,

A reason to live, a reason to flower.

So let us embrace happiness with open arms,

Let us cherish it, let us keep it warm,

Let us spread it far and wide,

Let us live life with happiness as our guide.

For happiness is a gift, a treasure to hold,

A feeling so precious, more valuable than gold,

It's the essence of life, the heart of our being,

A source of joy that keeps us believing.

In the end, when all is said and done,

It's happiness that we will remember, not the battles we've won,

For happiness is the legacy we leave behind,

The gift of love that forever shines.

So let us live each day with happiness in our heart,

Let us make the most of every precious part,

For life is too short to waste a single moment,

Let us embrace happiness, and let our spirits be sent.


About the Creator

Miracle Phronesis

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