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Golden treasure shines divine


By Jeyam Published about a year ago 1 min read


Oh, golden treasure, how you shine,
A symbol of wealth, yours is divine.
From ancient times, you've captured our hearts,
The very essence of riches and smarts.

With your lustrous glow and hue so bright,
You sparkle and shimmer in the light.
A precious metal, rare and true,
A sign of power, coveted by few.

In all its forms, you hold a charm,
A gift from the earth, a natural charm.
From rings and necklaces to coins and bars,
Your beauty is eternal, reaching for the stars.

Throughout history, you've been a prize,
A commodity that never dies.
You've been the cause of wars and strife,
A treasure that can save a life.

But beyond your value and monetary gain,
You embody a deeper, spiritual plane.
You remind us of life's preciousness,
And that wealth is not just about success.

Oh, golden treasure, how you shine,
A symbol of beauty, yours is divine.
May we cherish you and treat you with care,
And always remember the treasures we share

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