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From Broken to Brave

A young girl leading her way through toxicity

By Mariyam AzizPublished about a year ago 1 min read

She came into this world, all happy and bright

With eyes wide open and heart full of light

As a young girl, she smiled and laughed with glee

Unaware of the darkness that was yet to be

She started to grow, just like every child

But soon, she learned the toxicity that was filed

In the relationships she built, with friends and foes

That broke her heart and left her feeling so low

Throughout her teenage years, she struggled and tried

To fit in and belong, but always felt denied

The pressure to conform weighed heavy on her mind

And being true to herself, she couldn't always find

But over time, she learned to embrace

The true self that she was, with an unyielding grace

She let go of the toxic ties that held her down

And found herself on solid ground

As a young woman, she was strong and sure

A beacon of hope, so radiant and pure

She lived her life, with joy and light

And never looked back, to the days of the night

If you see her now, with her head held high

Know that she's lived, and she's learned to fly

Through the ups and downs, and the twists of fate

She's come out victorious, with a life so great.....

fact or fictioninspirationalheartbreak

About the Creator

Mariyam Aziz

Just a wanderer who writes....

I write bits of everything I think of!

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