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From Across the Room

Love at first sight

By Gabrielle JacksonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 2 min read
Beauty in the rarest form

I was standing in an art gallery and just happened to look over and, I saw her

At first, I thought it was my imagination, but there she was right before my very eyes

I was both shocked and aglow, just to see her again, my friend

I cried on our last good-bye because, I thought she was surely going to die

I've known her since her birth, watched her go through a life of pain

After, her father died, she and, I both knew life would never be the same

The only person, she knew loved her, who, she could count on, was gone

Shortly, after, her father died, she felt abandoned, her whole world was torn apart

From then on, she was looking for a man, to heal, her broken heart

Looking at her now, she realizes that, she was looking in all, the wrong places from start

From the abuse as a young girl, having a child at a young age, to living her whole life being abused, and used by men

I never thought, I would see this woman again, the one, God planted from within

This is the same woman, that tried to end her life by her own hands, but God wouldn't let it end

She was standing there, head held high, light glowing on her skin, as if she were the only one in the room, with confidence of knowing, her time was finally coming soon

Gracefully, she stood there with the biggest smile on her face

As, she walked the room knowing, she owned the place

She was wearing a pink sheer dress showing, her unbelievable figure

My eyes were planted on her and they just got bigger and bigger

She stood as an exemplification of strength, beauty and intelligence

Up until that moment, her life never made sense

Now, I understand, he wouldn't let her, or anyone else end her life, it was never in God's plan

This woman was meant for greatness and people felt that and for some reason had hate for her

I can still remember, her telling her son, "Me and you are going to be great, we're just different, but I promise one day, we will make them feel and hear us."

He started two years ago and, her recently, but remember, it's never too late

Every moment, every experience, every tear and every pain, led to that night

When, I fell in love with, the woman in the mirror, at first sight

Oh! My God! If you knew, or understood the reason for all the glory

I can say, you will find out, if you subscribe to me and read all my stories

The same as, I did that night, you will too fall in love with this woman, at first sight.


About the Creator

Gabrielle Jackson

My name is Gabrielle. I have been writing since a young age, it is my passion. I decided to join Vocal to share my stories and hear the stories of others. To inspire, and be inspired. I feel the mind is astonishing.

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