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Eternal Melodies

A Harmonic Journey Through Time and Memory

By zulqarnain aliPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

In the embrace of the night,

Amidst streetlights' gentle glow.

Whispers of dust, floating light,

A symphony of secrets they sow.

Oh, the stars that adorned the sky,

With moonbeams as their tender guide.

A haunting voice in the corner, nigh,

A melody of memories, it can't hide.

These shapes of the past, we recall,

Woven in morning's delicate trance.

With curious eyes, we question all,

Seeking truth, we yearn to advance.

Ancestry, a swirling haze,

Convoluted fumes reveal our roots.

Primal echoes in mysterious ways,

Infinite journeys, profound pursuits.

The song unfolds, alive tonight,

Its radiance surpasses the sun.

Bathed in brilliance, a breathtaking sight,

A chorus that binds us as one.

Seven children dream the dreams,

They dance and teach with fiery zest.

Their steps ignite, like moonlit beams,

Guiding souls through trials and unrest.

As the melodies dance on slumbering clouds,

The lyrics painted with delicate strokes.

They echo through time, breaking the shrouds,

A tapestry of emotions, the heart evokes.

Remember the night, a tapestry of the past,

Streetlights' glow and whispers of dust.

Remember me, longing for shadows to cast,

Embracing the song, forever in trust.

Let the echoes reverberate through eternity,

As we sing along with every breath.

In this timeless symphony of our history,

The song remains, defeating even death.

Thank you for reading!

surreal poetrynature poetry

About the Creator

zulqarnain ali

A human seeking guidance, I wield words to better our world. Join me on this transformative journey as we inspire, connect, and create a future filled with joy and compassion. Together, we can make a difference!

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