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Eternal Flames

Remembrance of a Love That Still Shines

By GowthamPublished about a year ago β€’ 1 min read

In a world full of chaos and noise,

Where it feels like love has no voice,

I hold on to a memory, bright and dear,

Of a love that once shone, oh so near.


A love that was warm like the summer sun,

That made every moment so much fun.

A love that was strong like the tallest tree,

A shelter from all storms, a safe place to be.


Though time may pass and the winds may change,

This love remains etched, forever unchained.

It's a flame that still burns, bright and true,

A symbol of hope, a guiding light too.


So here's to the memories we hold so tight,

Of the love that once was, its magic and might.

For though it may be gone, its embers still gleam,

A reminder of love, so pure and serene


The poem "Eternal Flames" is a nostalgic and emotional tribute to a past love that still holds a special place in the heart. The poem describes a love that was warm and bright, like the summer sun, and strong like a tall tree, providing shelter and comfort. Despite the passage of time, the love remains etched in the heart, like a flame that still burns brightly. The poem is a reminder of the magic and might of that love and serves as a symbol of hope and a guiding light.

In summary, the poem is about cherishing the memories of a past love that continues to shine, even though it may be gone. πŸ’”πŸ”₯❀️

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