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The Infinite Journey of the Heart.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 4 days ago 4 min read
Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

In the beginning, there was a spark,
a silent whisper in the void,
a tremor that set hearts ablaze,
a flicker of light in the vast expanse,
a seed of love sown in the fertile soil of existence.

It was in the breath of morning,
in the tender touch of dawn upon the earth,
that love first found its voice,
a symphony of warmth and light,
a promise woven into the fabric of time.

Through the epochs, love endured,
in the gentle caress of a summer breeze,
in the soft rustle of autumn leaves,
in the delicate kiss of winter's snow,
in the hopeful bloom of spring's first flower.

Love, an eternal embrace,
binding souls across the chasm of time,
a force as old as the stars,
as constant as the turning of the cosmos,
a truth as deep as the ocean's heart.

It is in the eyes that meet across a crowded room,
in the silent conversations of kindred spirits,
in the shared laughter that echoes through the years,
in the tears that cleanse and heal,
in the touch that lingers, that reassures,
that speaks of an unbreakable bond.

Love is a tapestry of moments,
a collection of fleeting glances and stolen kisses,
of whispered secrets and shared dreams,
of heartbeats synchronized in a rhythm
that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

In the silence of the night,
beneath the watchful gaze of the moon,
love dances in the shadows,
a graceful waltz of hope and longing,
a ballet of trust and vulnerability,
a testament to the power of two hearts intertwined.

It is in the sacrifices made,
the compromises found,
the understanding that bridges gaps,
the forgiveness that mends wounds,
the patience that endures the storms.

Love is in the mundane,
the everyday rituals that bind us,
in the brewing of morning coffee,
in the shared meals and quiet evenings,
in the comfort of a familiar presence,
in the knowing glance that needs no words.

It is in the adventure of discovery,
in the exploration of each other's depths,
in the unveiling of hidden facets,
in the acceptance of flaws and imperfections,
in the celebration of uniqueness and individuality.

Love is in the stories we tell,
in the memories we create,
in the legacies we leave behind,
in the touch that lingers in the heart,
long after the hands have parted.

It is in the courage to be vulnerable,
to open oneself to another,
to risk the pain for the promise of joy,
to trust in the strength of the bond,
to believe in the power of connection.

Love is in the resilience to endure,
to weather the storms and embrace the calms,
to stand firm in the face of trials,
to find strength in each other's arms,
to emerge stronger, together.

It is in the quiet moments of reflection,
in the shared silences that speak volumes,
in the unspoken understanding,
in the comfort of knowing and being known,
in the peace of simply being.

Love is in the laughter shared,
the joy multiplied,
the burdens halved,
the sorrows lightened,
the dreams nurtured.

It is in the journey, not the destination,
in the paths walked hand in hand,
in the steps taken side by side,
in the miles covered together,
in the adventures embraced as one.

Love is in the promise of tomorrow,
in the hope that springs eternal,
in the faith that sustains,
in the belief that, come what may,
love will prevail.

It is in the eyes that see,
the ears that listen,
the hearts that understand,
the hands that hold,
the souls that connect.

Love is a force of nature,
a river that carves its path through the landscape of life,
a fire that warms the coldest nights,
a wind that carries whispers of forever,
a sun that lights the darkest days.

It is in the poetry of existence,
in the music of the universe,
in the dance of creation,
in the art of living.

Love is the thread that weaves us together,
the glue that binds us,
the anchor that grounds us,
the wings that lift us.

It is in the stories told in the lines of our hands,
in the chapters written in the book of our lives,
in the verses sung in the song of our hearts,
in the echoes that linger in the chambers of our souls.

Love is the eternal embrace,
the never-ending dance,
the ceaseless song,
the infinite journey.

It is in the moments of stillness,
in the quiet of the night,
in the calm of the dawn,
in the peace of the twilight.

Love is the light that guides us,
the warmth that comforts us,
the strength that sustains us,
the beauty that surrounds us.

It is the beginning and the end,
the alpha and the omega,
the first breath and the last sigh,
the heartbeat that never ceases.

Love is in the eyes that close,
the hearts that rest,
the souls that dream,
the lives that intertwine.

It is in the stars that shine above,
in the constellations that map our destinies,
in the galaxies that spiral and dance,
in the universe that expands and embraces.

Love is the eternal embrace,
the ceaseless dance,
the infinite journey,
the everlasting song.

It is in the whispers of the wind,
in the rustle of the leaves,
in the murmur of the river,
in the roar of the ocean.

Love is in the quiet of the night,
in the hush of the dawn,
in the peace of the twilight,
in the stillness of the moment.

It is the light that never fades,
the flame that never dies,
the song that never ends,
the dance that never stops.

Love is the eternal embrace,
the infinite journey,
the ceaseless dance,
the everlasting song.

It is in you,
in me,
in us,
in the universe.

Love is the eternal embrace.

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love poems

About the Creator

Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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