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Eternal Echoes: A Symphony of Love

Whispers of Hearts Entwined

By IbrohimPublished 3 months ago 1 min read
Eternal Echoes: A Symphony of Love
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

In realms where time finds its meaning lost

Two souls entwined, regardless of cost.

In every whisper, love's symphony plays,

Echoes of passion in endless arrays.

Through laughter and tears, they navigate,

The trials of life, their bond innate.

Hand in hand, they brave the unknown,

In each other's arms, they've found their home.

With every sunrise, their love anew,

A canvas painted in shades of true.

Their hearts, a melody, forever in tune,

In the dance of love, beneath the moon.

Through seasons of joy and moments of strife,

They walk together, bound by life.

For in each other, they've found their light,

Guiding them through the darkest night.

So let the world witness this love's decree,

A testament to what love can be.

For in their union, they've come to find,

A love that's eternal, pure, and kind.

Friendshiplove poems

About the Creator


Ibrohim is a poet and writer renowned for their evocative exploration of love, loss, and the human condition. With a gift for crafting captivating narratives and poignant verse.

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