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Epistolary to a Horse

Dear Horse 🐎

By Novel AllenPublished about a year ago β€’ 2 min read

My dear freedom rider,

How I wish that I were you

That my feet could fly across the earth

At such speed and with the velocity of your freedom

That freedom which totally enraptures and awes my senses

Your magnificence, your grace, it captivates, it wows!

Lovely Horse, 🐎

Free as the wind you ride,

unfettered, unchained

Unencumbered, unrestrained,

unrestricted, unbridled 🐎

Unconstrained, unimpeded,

unhampered, unchecked



By Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Your golden mane delights in its flight as it traverses through

Each dance of grass and weed on your way to heavenly bliss while

Reflecting the sun's rays in radiant synchronicity with the wind

You beautiful animal of prey 🐎

So gently sublime, listening keenly, when I whisper in your ear

"Run free, my wild lovely, let no one ever tame you

Be one with the earth and sky, run free"...

"NEIGH, neigh, never will I be shackled or tamed", you reply sassily

Your head shaking defiantly, your mane ruffling with wind's breath

When in need of rest, you would rather not sleep on the ground 🐎

Your back held straight, you will not lie down unless you feel truly safe

Because in lying down, you become prey to your enemies

So dear horse, you sleep mostly standing up, with specialized legs

🐎 🐎 🐎 🐎 🐎 🐎

You can lock your knees, allowing quiet sleep without the fear

Of falling over. Should danger draw nigh as you sleep

Your eyes snap open, you are ready to ride bidding fear goodbye

You are truly a most wonderous beast, predators admire your cunning

You sleep by day, in little naps, standing, regal in stature, impressive

If I may say so myself, must be a thrill for the little flies, they so love you

Your straight back precludes you from rising very fast from sleep

Slowly rising would give your enemies the upper hand, so you improvise

Yes, I know, you do lie down for a sleep within which you totally relax

But in barns and such places where you feel safe enough to dream

Allowing those impressive, sturdy legs to acquire some well needed rest

It is inescapably self-evident and wholly incontrovertible

That my pliable and impressionable impression of your horse-ly mind

Stands in absolute amazement and undeniable admiration of your

Unequivocal, unrivaled, indubitable beauty, grace and poise...

So, in closing, I just want to say......I love you dear horse.

You are awesome!


By Gene Devine on Unsplash

Yours truly,

Your awed admirer!

performance poetrynature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Novel Allen

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky. ~~ Rabindranath Tagore~~

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  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago


  • Grz Colmabout a year ago

    This felt fantastical and magical. Alway love your work Novel! 🐎✨

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