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Embracing Uniqueness: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Your Journey to Authenticity

By Thina Muhammad AliPublished 9 months ago 1 min read
This picture is taken from Pinterest.

In a world where conformity often reigns,

I once sought to break the chains,

To stand out, be different, and rise,

But little did I realize, a unique soul in me lies.

The path I tread, unconventional and new,

Drew the world's criticism, a judgmental crew.

Yet amidst their disapproval's swell,

I stood unshaken, my spirit a protective shell.

Their words, like arrows, aimed to wound,

But strength from within began to be groomed.

I embraced my quirks, each facet that's mine,

A mosaic of individuality, brightly designed.

They criticized and questioned my way,

Yet I stood firm, with colors that sway,

Like a tree in the wind, roots held deep,

I weathered their storms, my resolve I'd keep.

For being different is a badge I wear,

A testament to the courage to dare,

To be oneself, authentically true,

In a world that often demands conformity from you.

So let them talk, those critical voices,

I've made my choice, and it rejoices,

In the freedom of being who I am,

Different, unique, a vibrant lamb.

In the end, their criticism will fade,

But my authenticity will never be swayed.

I am a fortress, an individual so bold,

In the face of judgment, my story is told.

inspirationalsad poetry

About the Creator

Thina Muhammad Ali

As a creative writer, I specialize in poetry but also write in any genre. Welcome to my page and enjoy my short bio!

Check my book " Emotions Unfelt"

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran9 months ago

    Gosh this was such an emotional poem! I loved it!

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