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Echoes of Identity: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Exploring the Depths of the Human Soul

By Shwet Prabha BaiswarPublished 2 months ago 2 min read
Echoes of Identity: A Journey of Self-Discovery
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In the mirror's gaze, I sought my face,

A reflection of self, a fleeting embrace.

But what stared back was a puzzle untold,

A labyrinth of whispers, a story yet to unfold.

I stood amidst the crowd, a soul adrift,

Lost in the cacophony, my essence adrift.

Each voice a thread in the tapestry of time,

Weaving the fabric of who I am, sublime.

From childhood dreams to adolescent fears,

I journeyed through the maze of passing years.

A kaleidoscope of identities unfurled,

Each layer peeled, a revelation swirled.

In the classroom's hush, I pondered my place,

A puzzle of labels, a mask to embrace.

Was I the scholar, the rebel, or the clown?

A chameleon's dance, wearing personas like a gown.

On the stage of life, I played my part,

A script of expectations, etched on my heart.

But beneath the mask, a whisper stirred,

A yearning to break free, to be undeterred.

In the quiet of night, I heard my soul's cry,

A symphony of doubts, a longing to fly.

Who am I, amidst the chaos and strife?

A question echoing through the corridors of life.

I searched for answers in the books I read,

In the songs I sang, in the tears I shed.

But the truth eluded me, a ghostly wisp,

Slipping through my fingers, an enigmatic twist.

In the arms of love, I found solace sweet,

A sanctuary of acceptance, where shadows retreat.

But even there, in the embrace so tender,

I grappled with demons, a constant contender.

For identity is not a fixed state,

But a journey of becoming, a relentless debate.

A mosaic of memories, a dance of light,

Shifting and changing, in the depths of night.

So I embrace the contradictions that define,

The tapestry of self, both yours and mine.

For in the tangled mess of hopes and fears,

I find the beauty of being, in the echoes of years.

And though the quest for identity may never end,

I'll embrace the journey, my heart on the mend.

For in the search for self, I find my truth,

A kaleidoscope of colors, an eternal youth.

So let the mirror's gaze be my guide,

As I navigate the currents, with nothing to hide.

For in the dance of shadows, I find my light,

A beacon of hope, in the darkest night.

inspirationalsurreal poetry

About the Creator

Shwet Prabha Baiswar

Hey there! I'm Shwet Prabha, your friendly neighborhood blogger. Dive into my world of words where curiosity meets content. Let's make this journey together—because every word counts! #BlogLife #ExploreWithMe

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