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By Anastasia BarthPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash

We need to go, We need to leave.

My mind races faster than I can catch it.

We need to go, We need to leave.

I need to get my boy somewhere safe.

We need to go, we need to leave.

Who knows how long this calm will last.

We need to go, we need to leave.

Who knows when he'll catch on.

We need to go, we need to leave.

He may trap us here.

We need to go, we need to leave.

He needs to be safe.

We need to go, we need to leave.

My thoughts are stirred into a maelstrom of panic, fear, and grief.

We need to go, we need to leave.

My emotions are attacking me, ripping open my flesh like the claws of a large cat.

We need to go, we need to leave.

Tearing me apart fear seeping out of my torn flesh.

We need to go, we need to leave.

His temper is rising.

We need to go, we need to leave.

His words sting like bees in the summer time.

We need to go, we need to leave.

They leave me as dizzy as a ride on a merry-go-round.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I'm so sick from all the spinning.

We need to go, We need to leave.

A group of people, my family are reaching for me.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I break the surface of my emotions, my lungs desperately gasping for air.

We need to go, we need to leave.

His cruel words are dragging me down like lead again.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I swim to the surface, my lungs aching for sweet oxygen.

We need to go, we need to leave.

A life preserver lands on the water.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I'm almost there, I can set us free.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I start to break the surface again, hope warming my chest.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I break the surface and my fingers miss the life preserver.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I desperately reach for it, clawing for our salvation.

We need to go, we need to leave.

I am tugged down again, just missing the life preserver.

We need to go, we need to leave.

My frenzied fingers pull me up, through his cutting words and drowning in my emotions.

We need to go, we need to leave.

We're almost there, I can see the life preserver in the distance.

We need to go, we need to leave.

My hand encircles the life preserver, I pull my boy atop of it.

We're going, we're leaving.

I then I wrap my arms around our life line.

We're going, we're leaving.

We're being pulled to safety where there is light and it is warm.

We're going, we're leaving.

We are pulled to shore, our family pulling us into safety.

We are going, we are leaving.

They wrap warm towels and blankets around us.

We are going, we are leaving.

Their love envelopes us, like their arms as they walk us to safety.

We are going, we are leaving.

We're nearing the safe place, where we are warm and loved, like being surrounded in the softest cushiest blankets and pillows.

We have left, we are gone.

We are in the safe place, with our loved ones, we are protected.

We have left, we are gone.

Peace, love, security and family surround us.

We have left, we are gone.

Our worries start to wash away.

We have left, we are gone.

Our hearts lighten, our burdens lifted.

We are home, we have love.

We say good bye


so long.



About the Creator

Anastasia Barth

A woman, mother, survivor. If you like the eclectic, then you've come to the right place. Everything you can think of, I will most likely talk about at once point or another.

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