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Dominating Distractions

Procrastination Beats Productivity

By Alex CaseyPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 1 min read
Dominating Distractions
Photo by Isi Parente on Unsplash

Distance widens between what I should be doing and what I am doing,

Increasing frustration from my procrastination, but decreasing

Stress from the responsibilities required of adults, like the endless

Tasks on my evergrowing list because, honestly, no one really wants to

Reorganize the closet, or clean the kitchen, or do the laundry, or

Answer all those emails, so I think about those tasks and try to

Convince myself I'm still productive because binging doesn't count if I'm

Thinking about that horrible list and all the items that await my brain's

Incessant nagging, demanding I return to productivity, but I'm taking

Off today, and maybe longer because in a world of demands, distractions

Need to be cherished--even if they dominate.

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About the Creator

Alex Casey

I'm a full-time educator and part-time writer. My best ideas usually end up on Vocal.

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Alex CaseyWritten by Alex Casey

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