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Defending the Wild


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

The environmentalist walked through a world of illusion

Where the air was thick with pollution

The trees were bare, the rivers ran black

And the animals, they seemed to lack

The spark of life, the joy and the wonder

They wandered listlessly, a world torn asunder

But still, the environmentalist fought on

He knew that this nightmare couldn't go on

He searched for a way to break the spell

To restore the balance and right what was felled

He called on the winds and the rains and the sun

To cleanse the earth, to bring about some

Healing and hope, to turn back the tide

Of destruction and greed, that dark, deadly pride

And slowly, the world began to shift

The colours returned, the air began to lift

The trees sprouted leaves, the animals danced

The environmentalist knew he'd taken a chance

On the power of love and the will to survive

And the earth had responded, alive and alive

And though the road ahead would be long

He walked on, knowing he'd right what was wrong

For the sake of the earth, and all who called it home

The environmentalist, he stood alone.

slam poetry

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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