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Deciphering the Mysteries of the Ocean's Depths

Mysteries of the Ocean's Depths

By C.S LEWISPublished 8 months ago 1 min read

In depths profound, where sunlight's kiss refrains,

A world concealed, where secrets still remain,

Beneath the azure vast, the ocean's breast,

Lies a realm of wonder, yet unguessed.

The sapphire tides conceal a cryptic lore,

As shadows dance on the ocean's floor,

Where Neptune's realm conceives its cryptic tales,

Deciphering mysteries, the deep unveils.

Beneath the waves, a symphony unfolds,

An ancient saga, in silence it holds,

The coral gardens, a rainbow's embrace,

In the ocean's depths, they find their place.

Abyssal plains, where darkness rules the night,

A canvas of secrets, a world out of sight,

Here, luminescent creatures softly glow,

In these depths, their enigma starts to show.

The kraken's lair, where tentacles writhe,

In myths and legends, they come alive,

In search of answers, we dare to descend,

To decode the puzzles the ocean sends.

Marine life's diversity, vast and grand,

From tiny plankton to giants that stand,

From the delicate seahorse to whales that soar,

In deciphering, we seek to explore.

The shipwrecks resting in the ocean's keep,

Each a time capsule, a history's sweep,

With tales untold, they rest in silent grace,

A code to break, a past to retrace.

The deep-sea trenches, profound and dark,

Where pressure's grip leaves its mark,

Inch by inch, the mysteries unravel,

As we delve into the ocean's marvel.

The songs of whales, a haunting refrain,

Echoing through the ocean's vast domain,

In their melodic mysteries, we find,

A language of the deep, both rare and kind.

The ocean's depths, a riddle and a rhyme,

A realm untouched by the hands of time,

In our quest to know what lies below,

We decipher the secrets that ebb and flow.

In this aqueous world, the enigma calls,

We seek to understand its timeless thralls,

Deciphering the mysteries, we explore,

The ocean's depths, forever to adore.

nature poetry

About the Creator


I presently think positively. Railing and censuring just destroy. Confirmed speculation develops. I currently take a gander at the daily routine that I experience and confirm, "It is Great." I love and favor the Ideal Power inside me

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  • Mark Graham8 months ago

    You really do describe the mysteries of the seas.

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