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Dear World

A small poetic letter

By Rachael J. DavisPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
Dear World
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

Dear World,

You once were somewhere that people found themselves,

You once were place where respect was given,

You once were a place where the other wasn't so other

and the diviseness was not there.

Dear World,

You have lost your ever living mind,

You mix up wrong and right.

You display your perversion like it's a badge of honor,

You gloat in your sins like they're a trophy.

Dear World,

You refuse the truth and accept the lie,

You treat yourself as if you're a god,

While you abuse your neighbor like they're a slave.

Oh the hypocrisy that is amuck.

Dear World,

Think a little less of yourself,

Think a little more of your others,

Think a little less of your rights,

And think a little more about others.

Dear World,

You need to lose those idols.

You need to let go of those hates.

You need to let the healing take place.

Dear World,

Remember, you are loved.

John 3:16 is not a waste.

Only if you think love is hate.

Dear World,

Dear World.

sad poetryinspirationalheartbreakCONTENT WARNING

About the Creator

Rachael J. Davis

Writing is to share experiences within my own life. I use Vocal to promote my own lyrics and poetry more than anything else. Thank you for reading these simple poems and lyrics. https://lnk.bio/allisnotgold04

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