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Dear Paul Walker!

This poem is for you, wherever you are...

By Fateen KhanPublished 12 months ago 2 min read
Dear Paul Walker!
Photo by Cook aynne on Unsplash

In the realm of speed and wheels he soared,

A soul embraced by a passion adored.

With every engine's roar, his spirit would ignite,

A blaze of charisma, burning ever bright.

Paul Walker, a name that resonates with grace,

A gentle heart behind a handsome face.

Through the silver screen, his presence shone,

A star whose light would never fade nor be gone.

In the realm of motion, he found his home,

Where the open road called and he would roam.

A life lived fast, yet filled with purpose true,

A soul that touched many, both me and you.

But fate, a cruel master, had its design,

And in an instant, stole him from this time.

A tragic end to a life full of zest,

Leaving behind a void, an ache in our chest.

Oh, how the world wept when tragedy struck,

A precious life, gone in the blink of luck.

Memories flicker, like scenes on a reel,

Of a man who lived fully, a heart that could feel.

Through the eyes of his characters, we saw,

The depth of his talent, the passion he'd draw.

From the fast and furious streets he'd race,

To the depths of emotion he'd readily embrace.

But beyond the fame and the glamour's glare,

Was a man with a heart, compassionate and rare.

A philanthropist's soul, a giver of light,

He sought to make a difference, with all his might.

Now, in the stillness of time's passing tide,

We mourn the loss of the man who defied

The boundaries of limits, a free-spirited soul,

Whose legacy burns bright, beyond the earthly toll.

Paul Walker, you left us too soon,

Leaving behind a world forever strewn

With the memories of your radiant smile,

And the joy you brought, even for a while.

Though your flame extinguished, your spirit lives on,

In the hearts of those who loved you, it's drawn.

In the cars that speed and the roads that wind,

Your legacy endures, an eternal bind.

So, let us remember Paul Walker's name,

Celebrate his life, his passion, his flame.

For in the sadness that still remains,

His spirit lingers, forever in our veins.


About the Creator

Fateen Khan

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