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Dear friend,

A letter that is too late to send.

By Luna DelvauxPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Dear friend,
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

Dear friend, 

I am sorry you grew up not knowing what you were worth.

I am sorry for the distance you felt between you and those you loved.

Someone told you when you were young that you were born with melancholy in your soul like there was something wrong with that… and I am sorry for that too.

It wasn’t fair to put that kind of weight on you. 

You were so young.

I’m sorry for the times that you cried yourself to sleep at night, and I am sorry you could never believed it when people said, ‘It will get better.’

Because they never seemed to say it in the moments that mattered…

The moments you needed it.

I’m sorry you shoved so many of your feelings down so deep, and when bad things happened you didn’t have a safe space you could run.

I’m sorry that there were people who thought your ways of being different and uniquely you were ‘wrong’,

and I’m sorry that because of that you learned to hide that uniqueness…

I’m sorry they made you feel like ‘normal’ was a status to achieve.

That when your beliefs differed from those around you, your nurturing environment had taught you to bend instead of stand firm, and feeling like you were on the outskirts was the last feeling you wanted to repeat.

I’m sorry you had bullies that no one could stand up to, and that they made you feel like ‘less’ before any cruel kid at school did. 

I’m sorry that you never felt like you had any real friends, and you were always so afraid of being replaced…

So you attached yourself to the people who gave you surface attention, and they were usually the ones that would end up harming you the most.

No one ever taught you about boundaries, let alone how to set healthy ones, and it breaks my heart that no one ever told you just how valuable you are...

Let alone help you see it for yourself.

I’m sorry that it's taken someone so long to apologize for these things,

That these words are too little, too late.

More than anything I wish that I could take these echoes from the pain you felt away…

Replace them with self love, respect, and the courage to conquer any challenge you seek to take.

It isn’t that easy, is it?

I can’t do this for you, I can’t transmute these emotions…

Though I CAN promise that there is another side to this pain, if you’re willing to journey through it.

You will hurt, you will cry, you will feel all the things you tried to avoid, but one self must die before another can be born. 

Like a caterpillar to a butterfly you will go through the process of shedding your old skin. 

You will let go of the memories that are haunting you, the bullies’ voices will disappear from your head,

And you will finally feel at peace sleeping at night.

You will sift through your painful memories to find the lessons they hold, and learn to never again think of yourself as ‘less’.

You will learn to set those boundaries that you have struggled with for so long, and to let your unique soul shine through.

You will find those that love you for who you are, and learn to open up so completely that it's terrifying.

You will learn to hold the things and people that you love close, and to cherish each moment for what it is.

No longer will there be echoes of pain in your peripheral,

No longer will you be in a state of fight or flight from dawn till dusk… 

There will be days you want to give up, there will be days you want to turn around, but don’t. 

You will find the strength you need to keep going where you least expect it,

You won’t wish to be living the life of another, instead you will cherish the one you are living now.

Beaming, beautifully, and authentically you.

Won’t that be a glorious day? 

I support your journey, through whatever twists and turns it might take, back to yourself.

Then you will see what I have seen in you from the start;

You shine, you are worth it, you are so so important. 

Keep going.

Love always, 



About the Creator

Luna Delvaux

♡ Your resident diamond in the rough ♡ Seeking to understand the world and my experiences through the cathartic act of writing.

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