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Chaos in the Mind's Eye


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Once there lived a man of great renown,

Whose memory was always so sound,

But one day strange things began to transpire,

Memories that never happened, did he acquire.

He'd see sights and hear sounds so strange and queer,

That never in reality did they appear,

These visions and sounds, they haunted his brain,

A world of confusion, he'd constantly sustain.

Days passed by, his mind in a state,

Of madness and chaos, it seemed to be fate,

His once ordered life, now in disarray,

He couldn't shake off these memories astray.

As he walked down the street, in a daze,

He saw a reflection, a crazed man in a blaze,

The memories so real, he could feel their might,

But in truth, they were figments, not real in sight.

His once calm mind, now filled with doubt,

His thoughts in a labyrinth, he couldn't get out,

A mind of madness, a soul in pain,

His memories of never-happened events, driving him insane.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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