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Honesty Is The First Step To Change

By Sarah JanePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Håkon Grimstad on Unsplash

I warned him before

"Don't ask me an honest question

unless you're looking for an honest answer."


He asked me

"You know how in some stories

the villain realizes they're wrong

then changes their ways

and becomes good?"


"Do you think that's possible?

"Or that even if they realized they were wrong

they wouldn't change at all?"

"Or maybe they would fake changing

to appease others

and still pursue their agenda?"




I spoke of

my thoughts

my experiences

my observations


People change every day

Everyone has the ability to change

For better or worse


Humans have free will


We are supposed to evolve

But some people never change

because they don't want to


People with a conscience will realize

what they did wrong


People who are humble will admit

what they did wrong


People who are brave will do

what it takes to change


Most people don't make it past the first part

if they make it there at all


It takes a whole lot of humility to

hold oneself accountable for their mistakes


It takes even a greater amount of courage

to actually change


They have to want to change

They have to work towards it


It can be pride shattering

just to admit you were wrong

In a society ruled by the ego

it shatters the perfect image portrayed

their precious picture-perfect self


People lie to themselves everyday

just as much as they lie to others

Pretending they're something they're not

Many people feel more comfortable doing that

than facing the truth of their life


Changing the course of your life

is more difficult than

staying in the same place

when most humans fancy

the path of least resistance



resisting change

brings them out of flow with their soul

It petrifies them in their own

perpetual 'living' device

Imprisoned by their own resistance


I've crossed paths with too many people

who realize what they're doing is wrong

and still refuse to change

because they've been doing it for so long

They almost find a comfort

in the familiarity of the dysfunction



"If this has worked for me for so long,

why would I change now?"

In those cases it's easier

for people to just stay the same


It's scary to change


because it means

abandoning the comforts

of what you know

Trusting the unknown

Trusting the change


Now, I believe that most people

are inherently good

(maybe that's naïve of me)

but have picked up bad habits

of interacting with their worlds


I do however know that I have met

a select few evil people throughout life

and for those people….


Although they may realize

what they are doing is wrong

their villainous ways serves them

exactly how they planned

so they don't even consider changing

because it would ruin their

constructed chaos

their desire to control


My own mother

the most evil person I know

faked sobriety and

emotional/mental stability for years

She had us all fooled

but it was all just a ruse

A beautiful, believable lie

to keep us distracted from

her next chess move


People like her will never change

even if they put on a good show

because at the end of the day

they don't want to


Only the humble

brave hearted souls

truly ever change


He solemnly sighed


"That's not what I wanted to hear."


"You asked for my honest opinion

not for words that warmed your ears."

"Don't ask me honest questions

unless you're looking for an honest answer."


Comforting lies have

no room in my mouth

Being honest with yourself

with others

that is the first step to change

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Sarah Jane

Writing has been Sarah's passion since she was 7 years-old when she began writing poetry and short stories. Now, she's sharing her gift with the world. Subscribe, and come take a whirl in her words.

Tips are appreciated!

IG: @sarahjane.speaks

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