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By: J. Harmon

By Staretra _Published 6 years ago 1 min read

I see that long black cloud rolling down,

Consuming everything in its path,

Leaving nothing but desolation in its wake,

But yet it approaches with the mannerism of a sparrow,

It leaves like an angry bear,

It flies into your life then stomps all over you,

You see it coming,

You pray to your god but you know can't come for you now,

It's over,

You've signed a deal with the devil sealed in blood,

A covenant that can't be broken,

You go and try to make the best of the last day,

People ask what's wrong and yet you know you can't say,

You continue to limp through the day,

You return to your house,

You find the black cloud flying in,

Then in an instant it's all over with one sound,

Bang, it's done

People will shuffle into the chapel,

They will say you killed yourself,

But little do they know you died long ago,

It isn't blades or guns or pills that killed you,

You died when your soul was torn from you,

By the very people you trusted,

But then next day you wake up,

In your bed as though nothing happened,

But you walk into your kitchen,

And see your mom and dad sobbing,

You try to ask them what has happened,

But they don't respond,

You look on the table and it is a picture of you,

You go outside to see your dog bow to the touch of a stranger,

The it once did for you,

It is now you wish you could take it back,

But it's too late it's over,

With one Bullet your life was ended entirely,

You fade you continue to hear your parents sob,

Until you had gone completely,

In an instant it was done,

You're gone.

sad poetry

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