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Beneath War's Shadow: A Ballad of Refugees and Hope

"Echoes of Desolation, Symphony of Resilience"

By Aranna Hasan Delwar Published 4 months ago 1 min read
Beneath War's Shadow: A Ballad of Refugees and Hope
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

In shadows cast by war's relentless strife,

A tragic tale unfolds, the play of life.

From lands in turmoil, refugees arise,

Bearing burdens heavy, under sorrow's skies.

Behold, the wretched remnants of the fight,

Through fields of ruin, seeking shelter's light.

As tempests rage, both man and nature mourn,

A tragic bond, in desolation born.

The weeping earth, scarred by the conflict's hand,

Whispers tales of a desolate wasteland.

Humanity, displaced, in anguish roams,

In search of solace, fleeing troubled homes.

O, nature wounded, as refugees tread,

Leaving footprints of sorrow where they tread.

Forests weep, as trees stand witness tall,

To the dire consequence of war's cruel call.

The air, once pure, now echoes cries of pain,

As turbulent winds carry voices slain.

Rivers mourn, polluted by despair,

A testament to the burdens they bear.

Yet, in the heartache, a plea takes flight,

A call for unity, to set things right.

For in the ruins, compassion must rise,

Binding wounds, under compassion's skies.

Let nations stand as one, a harmonious blend,

To heal the wounds, to mend and mend.

For in the aftermath of war's cruel decree,

Lies an opportunity, a chance to be free.

Through the verses of time, let it be known,

That humanity, in unity, has grown.

From the ashes of despair, hope shall spring,

A ballad of resilience, the song we sing.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Aranna Hasan Delwar


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  • Test4 months ago

    Marvelous work! Keep it going

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