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Beautiful Poetry!


By Jennifer CooleyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Beautiful Poetry!
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

~ Beautiful Poetry ~

I want to push you up

against the wall,

and pound my hands

against your chest

in showing you

how much you're missed,

As I rush forward

for your kiss, so many years of hunger

living between lips

to never understand

what we both missed

our hearts at an age

that were left at a standstill

because of the view;

I wanted you to see

when you looked at me,

A whole new hope and glory and how to look

at life?

But that moment passed us both by,

through an unchartered course

that wasn't foreseen


paradise and the bible

what does it mean?

The shine in my smile

and the twinkle in your eyes,

eternity to look at each other

is a long time,

to walk the world over

side by side,

never growing older

when we're together...

Age stands still;

holding hands

the sweat in your palms

for a grip so strong

knowing we can't go wrong,

dancing in the summer heat

in the middle of the day

on a busy city street,

as we laugh at their smiles

before holding each other

our bodies really close

the warmth there

oh so very real,

I make it a habit to never

get that close,

for it always ends in abuse

so I never saw a use,

maybe that was wrong

when it came to you

for you are all there ever needed to be;

So here I now stand marred

knowing there's nothing

to compare to the love that lives in you.

Now my imagination runs wild

and I dare to vision

where your hand falls

as a small gasp of air takes me there;

my head tilts back in the light

falling quiet

mystified by the surprise

that your hand knows

what to do,

Strange to me

as I do the only thing I can do

and that is love myself in you

as I discover

a whole new way to feel.

My body uncovered

what should have been discovered

so many years ago

between sheets,

something so strong to hold

that it leaves one without breath

because it cannot be explained with words!

The pain suddenly drives me insane

and I cry within

for this; which no man

has learned to touch,

all the confusion that's now

suddenly in the way

for the years gone past

that speak for themselves

as my body swells for your

hands to find me

and finally, get lost in the sin

where have you been?

Too many years suffered

at the wrong hands,

I quake and I shake

and want to cry

for these feelings

my body and skin

aren't use to;

wonderful sensations

rushing highs

this time for me a surprise

not knowing how to deal

with the way you make me feel,

something removed from me for so long...

Just imagine what the difference would be today

if either one of us had known how to let go

and give what we had to each other,

as I held on thru an unfinished kiss...

Incredible lover

for the girl who sets your heart on fire,

what a way to come to feel

without you near me here today

I won't sleep well now

as these words finish being penned:

without your pillow talk

or nakedness here;

All I can do is let it burn

as each day passes by

that you live in that part of me.

There will never be

another you

another friendship like this

one that does do what belongs only to you

no matter the years or distance

you choose to leave between us,

only time can deliver through

that day when we stand before each other again

and our eyes finally meet

and share in the ending of a `kiss' you started

Heaven here on earth,

for what in that moment will be conquered

as nothing stands in the way of

the future and what that means...


love poems

About the Creator

Jennifer Cooley

I've been writing as long as I could hold a crayon! Remember writing my first story like it was yesterday at 5. I remember the details of the day, location, time, excitement & where the story was preserved for all time! Lots Born From That!

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