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Basked in Moonlight

A poem pondering creation

By Hannah AlexanderPublished 7 months ago 2 min read

I go to bed every night,

Basked in the rays of the stars and moonlight.

I can't help but look up and stare,

And think that nothing in the world is as fair.

The moon is beautiful, yet powerful,

Controlling the oceans tides, for humans unallowable

It's 2am and I'm still awake.

My very eyes, they start to ache.

But I just can't seem to shut them,

The fear of missing the sky's sparkling gems.

How could it be possible?

All this coming by chance? Implausible.

Chaos begets chaos begets disarray.

Balance cannot be gained via chaos bouquet.

If everything started from an explosion,

How can patterns be seen and woven?

Not only in the star's constellations,

But in all of nature's specifications.

Fibonacci, the golden spiral,

Is seen in nature everywhere, went viral.

From the vastness of the Milky Way,

To the microscopic spirals of DNA.

You cannot say that this is a coincidence.

That every incident is of insignificance.

Even the invisible gravitational waves,

Adhere to the ratio of 1.618.

How can you say that we are related to apes?

Those very hypotheses logic escapes.

The "evidence" you have is nothing but

A few fragments of jaws and teeth wound in pixie dust.

Why is it so hard to believe in a creator,

When everything that exists today has a maker?

A pile of wood and stone alone,

Cannot be shaken or thrown and form a home.

This fact is stated in Hebrews 3:4

"Every house is constructed by someone" and more?

"The one who constructed all things is God."

Why do you believe that statement is flawed?

If it is because Jah is invisible,

That, too, is biblical.

1 Colossians 1:15 it mentions;

"The invisible God" despite all your contentions.

Yes, he himself may not be visible,

But neither is wind, nor gravity, themselves indisputable.

Yet in spite of all of this,

Everything we CAN see is proof He exists.

His qualities and personality

Have never, EVER been a mystery.

So instead of making fake claims,

Just for 15 minutes of fame,

How about you slow down and actually think,

Let your humility grow and your ego shrink.

For you are not wiser than the Ancient of Days,

And He is the only one deserving of praise.

social commentaryperformance poetryinspirational

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