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Astronomy Poet

all about Astronomy

By JRManglicmotPublished 5 months ago 1 min read
Astronomy Poet
Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

Astronomy's allure in the night sky,

Bids us gaze with wonder in our eye.

Celestial bodies, a cosmic dance,

Dazzle in their celestial expanse.

Eclipses cast shadows on the moon,

Fascinating, a celestial boon.

Galaxies swirl in vast, cosmic streams,

Highlighting the universe's dreams.

Interstellar dust, a cosmic veil,

Journeys through space, an endless trail.

Kepler's laws describe orbits true,

Luminous stars in a cosmic view.

Meteors streak through the dark expanse,

Navigating the cosmic chance.

Orion's belt, a celestial guide,

Pointing to wonders far and wide.

Quasars blaze with energy bright,

Radiant beacons in cosmic light.

Supernovae burst with brilliant glow,

Transforming the cosmic ebb and flow.

Uranus, Neptune, gas giants afar,

Voyaging through the cosmic star.

Warping space with a black hole's might,

Xenon atoms in cosmic flight.

Yearning for the cosmic unknown,

Zealous explorers in spacesuit don.

Astronomy's tapestry, vast and grand,

Binds us to the cosmic strand.

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About the Creator


A Striving father and husband, trying to be the best I can be. I'm not perfect, but I try to be the one my family can look up to. I stumble and make mistakes from time to time, most often, but I try to learn from my mistakes.

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