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As Nature Wakes From Winter...

Waiting for spring...

By Anna Published 4 months ago 1 min read
Photo: google.com

In winter's grasp, we patiently reside,
Yearning for a season that will provide
A vibrant canvas painted with life anew,
As nature wakes from slumber, bold and true.

With bated breath, we gaze upon the land,
Where barren trees, in stillness, firmly stand.
But deep within their roots, a stirring grows,
Whispering promises of colors' prose.

The icy winds may howl, unyielding, fierce,
Yet hope ignites our hearts, dispelling fears.
For in each crystal snowflake's graceful dance,
We glimpse the subtle signs of spring's advance.

The days grow longer, as if time suspends,
And fragrant whispers tease our senses' blends.
We catch the scent of blossoms yet unborn,
While waiting for the sun's triumphant return.

Oh, patience! Be our faithful guiding light,
As we endure the cold, enduring night.
For soon, the earth shall burst with vibrant bloom,
And banish winter's grip, dispelling gloom.

So let us cherish this expectant pause,
Embrace the beauty hidden behind the cause.
For in the stillness, magic softly sings,
A hymn of hope that only longing brings.

And when at last the first buds shyly break,
With joyous hearts, we'll welcome spring's awake.
For in our wait, we've learned to persevere,
And find resilience through each passing year.|

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