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Agnes Mo

A Songbird's Symphony

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 27 days ago 1 min read
Agnes Mo
Photo by Jessica Fadel on Unsplash

From Jakarta's heart, a voice took flight,

Agnes Mo, a star ever so bright.

A child of six, with eyes that gleam,

A melody within, a dancing dream.

Tiny fingers grasped the microphone's hold,

A voice so pure, a story to unfold.

Indonesian tunes, a youthful charm,

Agnes captivated, weathering every storm.

Teenage years, the music evolved,

R&B's rhythm, her spirit involved.

"Bukan Milikmu Lagi" (No Longer Yours), a song so bold,

Heartbreak and strength, a story told.

Across the sea, a vision arose,

Los Angeles beckoned, a place to compose.

Language barriers, a challenge to face,

But Agnes persevered, with unwavering grace.

English and Korean, new melodies spun,

Collaborations forged, battles won.

"Coke Bottle" and "GEMINI", global acclaim,

Agnes Mo's name, whispered in every frame.

Back to her roots, a homecoming sweet,

Indonesian beats, a rhythmic feat.

"Cahaya Matahari" (Sun's Light), a beacon so bright,

Empowering women, with passion's might.

From pop and dance to ballads profound,

Agnes Mo's music, a spectrum unbound.

"Long Distance" and "Paralyzed", emotions laid bare,

A vulnerability shared, a love beyond compare.

Not just a singer, a force to behold,

A businesswoman, a story untold.

Fashion and beauty, a brand of her own,

Agnes Mo, a force fully grown.

Social justice, a voice for the unheard,

Breaking stereotypes, every single word.

"Girl on Fire" ignites the spark,

Empowering girls, leaving their mark.

Years may pass, trends may come and go,

But Agnes Mo's legacy, forever will flow.

A role model, an inspiration so true,

The songbird of Indonesia, ever reaching for new.

With every note, a story takes flight,

Agnes Mo's music, a symphony of light.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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Comments (1)

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  • Esala Gunathilake26 days ago

    A nice symphony.

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