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A Symphony of Sunsets

A Poem of Beauty.

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A Symphony of Sunsets
Photo by Ronan Furuta on Unsplash

In the sky above, a symphony unfolds

As the sun descends in a blaze of gold

A chorus of colors, a crescendo of light

A breathtaking beauty, a sight to delight

The clouds dance in shades of pink and red

As the sun bids farewell and prepares for bed

The horizon becomes a canvas for the sky

Painted with hues that make the heart sigh

The world slows down as the day comes to an end

As the beauty of the sunset becomes a dear friend

The world is bathed in a warm and gentle light

A moment of peace, a moment of respite

As the last rays of light fade into the night

We hold onto the memory, a source of delight

For tomorrow, the symphony will start anew

A promise of beauty, a promise of something true

So let us take a moment to pause and behold

The beauty of the sunset, a sight to behold

A symphony of sunsets, a poem of beauty

A reminder of life's gifts, a reminder of duty.

nature poetry

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