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A Stranger in the Mirror: A Journey Beyond the Facade

We glimpse the fragmented self beneath, yearning for harmony between societal expectations and personal desires. The poem becomes a poignant search for authenticity, a journey through the labyrinth of reflections and self-doubt. Will the protagonist find the courage to shed the masks and embrace their true self? Dive into this powerful poem and explore the complexities of living an authentic life in a world of expectations.

By Kingsley Gomes, PhD.Published 9 days ago 3 min read

The Knock of the Heart

In the mirror, a stranger stares back

eyes lined with the weight of surmise

a mask of confidence, a practiced smile

a façade of control, a delicate balance

The morning light creeps through the blinds

casting shadows on the walls of my mind

as I prepare for another day of performance

a choreographed dance of social norms

The coffee brews, a bitter aroma

filling the air with a sense of routine

as I don my armor, a suit of armor

to shield me from the judgments of others

The commute, a sea of faces

each one a mask, a disguise, a deception

we nod, we smile, we exchange pleasantries

but beneath the surface, a different story unfolds

In the office, a game of hide and seek

a delicate web of alliances and rivalries

I steer the landscape, a tightrope walker

balancing the expectations of others, my own desires

The meetings, a blur of words and gestures

a scripted performance, a rehearsed speech

I speak of goals and targets, of progress and success

but in my heart, a different language is spoken

The laughter, a forced, hollow sound

a mask of joy, a disguise of happiness

the tears, unshed, a reservoir of emotion

locked away, hidden from the prying eyes of others

The masks of the mind, a collection of personas

each one a shield, a defense, a protection

from the judgments, the criticisms, the rejections

from the fear of being seen, of being known

But in the quiet moments, the stillness of the night

the masks slip, the façade crumbles

and I am left, exposed, unarmed

a fragile, fractured, fragmented self

I search for residue, for a sense of harmony

between the demand of others, my own desires

a delicate dance, a tightrope walks

between the masks of the mind, the authenticity of the heart

The world outside, a jumble of expectations

a maze of mirrors, a hall of reflections

I run rapids the twists and turns, the dead ends and detours

searching for a glimpse of my true self, my authentic voice

In the silence, I hear the knock of my heart

a gentle, insistent, persistent disclose

urging me to shed the masks, to reveal my true self

to pass the complexity, the beauty, the mess of my humanity

The masks of the mind, a burden, a weight

a constant reminder of the destiny of others

but in the stillness, the quiet, the darkness

I find the courage to let go, to be, to become.

But what lies beneath, a labyrinth of shields

a maze of mirrors, a hall of reflections

where the masks of the mind, a thousand faces stare back

each one a fragment, a shard, a splinter of my soul

I wander, lost, in this wilderness of the self

searching for a glimpse, a glimmer, a spark of truth

Yet, with every step forward, I drift further astray

in the twists and turns, the dead ends and detours of my mind

The pound of my heart, an irresistible draw

luring me deeper, into the depths of my own soul

where the masks of the mind, s gentle breeze stirs the leaves of my thoughts

each one a secret, a mystery, a riddle to unravel

I am a stranger, in this strange land of the self

a traveler, lost, in the wilderness of my own mind

searching for a map, a compass, a guide to lead me through

but the more I search, the more I realize I am blind

The darkness closes in, a shroud of distrust

where the masks of the mind, a thousand specters loom

and I am left, alone, to face the unknown

where the only truth, is the mystery that I've transformed

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© 2024 Kingsley Gomes. All rights reserved.

surreal poetryinspirationalFree Verse

About the Creator

Kingsley Gomes, PhD.

Professional engineer with a passion for storytelling, crafting compelling narratives that explore the human experience. Author of poetry, short stories, and inspirational articles, weaving words into emotional journeys.

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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran7 days ago

    Oh wow, this was so awesomeeee! Loved your poem!

  • Alexavier9 days ago

    Very good story. Enjoyable to read🌟⭐

Kingsley Gomes, PhD.Written by Kingsley Gomes, PhD.

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