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A small moment in ur life that had a big impact in my life..

A small moment in our life that had a big impact in my life..

By ahmed khanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A small moment in ur life that had a big impact in my life..
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

there are many moments in our lives that we may not realise the significance of untill years later.for me,one such moment occurred when i was in high school, during my junior year.it was a small moment,but it had a big impact on me and has stayed with me ever since.

i was sitting in my English class, which was a required course for all juniors. i had always enjoyed reading and writing ,so i was looking forward to the class. However,as the weeks went on,i found myself becoming more and more board with the material.We were reading classic literature that I just couldn't get into, and the assignments were tedious and uninspiring.

One day, we were discussing a book that I found particularly uninteresting. I was barely paying attention, doodling in my notebook and zoning out. Suddenly, my English teacher called on me to answer a question about the book. I had no idea what the answer was, and I stumbled through a vague, half-hearted response.

My teacher looked at me with disappointment and said, "You're capable of so much more than this, you know."

At first, I was taken aback. I had always been a good student, and I prided myself on my grades and academic achievements. But my teacher's words hit me hard. I realized that she was right - I was capable of so much more. I had been coasting through the class, putting in minimal effort and getting by with mediocre grades.

From that moment on, I made a conscious effort to do better. I started reading the assigned books more carefully, taking notes and highlighting important passages. I participated more in class discussions, sharing my thoughts and opinions even if they weren't fully formed yet. I asked my teacher for extra help when I needed it, and I spent more time on my assignments, putting in the effort to make them the best they could be.

As a result, my grades in English class improved dramatically. But more importantly, I began to see myself as a capable and engaged student. I had always been smart, but I had never fully applied myself in the way that I could. My English teacher's words had made me realize that I was selling myself short, and that I had the potential to do great things if I just put in the effort.

This realization had a ripple effect on other areas of my life as well. I started to take my other classes more seriously, putting in the effort to understand the material and asking questions when I didn't. I became more involved in extracurricular activities, joining clubs and volunteering in my community. I even started to think more seriously about my future, considering what I wanted to do after high school and how I could make that happen.

Looking back, I can see how that one small moment in my English class had such a big impact on my life. It was a wake-up call, a reminder that I was capable of more than I thought. It taught me the importance of putting in effort and not settling for mediocrity. And it showed me that sometimes, a simple comment from someone else can change the course of your life in ways you never could have imagined.

In the years since that moment, I have continued to apply these lessons in my life. I have pursued my passions with diligence and determination, working hard to achieve my goals and never settling for less than my best. And I have always been grateful to my English teacher for believing in me and pushing me to be better.

In conclusion, it's important to recognize the impact that small moments can have on our lives. Sometimes, it's the smallest comment or gesture that can change everything. For me, that moment in my English class was a turning point, a reminder that I was capable of more and a catalyst for personal

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About the Creator

ahmed khan

hey guys..

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