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A piece of furniture

where do I fit

By Amanda McGuirePublished 2 years ago 2 min read
A piece of furniture
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

You have everything you need, a comfortable couch, a table and some chairs, a decent bed where you drift off to sleep each night. None of these things were bought becuase they were particularly fancy or popular. But all make you happy and require your attention.

Then one day you find something new, different a chair. It's different than the rest of your furniture, and not something you need.

But you like it, it's comfortable, looks nice, and you enjoy how it makes you feel. It supports your back, and even lifts up your feet to give you rest.

So, you decide you want it, you want to add it to your life.

Only you get home and realize it doesn't fit in the room with the couch, there's not enough space for it, and the couch will be jealous.

Next is the room with the table and chairs, nope it doesn't make sense to be put there either.

Maybe in your bedroom. Yes it sort of fits, though you can't fully rest in it, and after a few days, you don't sit in it. You realize there's truly no point when you can just as easily rest in the bed.

It sits there for a time collecting items, as you use it more as a place to drop your clothes, hats, shoes, children's toys, or other items. Slowly buried, useful, but not enjoyed or appreciated.

Then one day you decide it's time to clean and as you put items away you discover once again the beautiful chair you fell in love with. You sit down in it, remembering how it makes you feel.

But, the problem persists, where does it fit? You decide it doesn't and place it on the street with a sign that says "Free."

The chair moves on to another home, where the owner makes room for it. Sadly none of that was necessary, you could have made room for it. It could have been another place to sit next to the couch. It could have gone in a corner of the room with the table and chairs, there in support, but not overwhelming. It could have stayed in the bedroom, but you chose to use it not enjoy it.

If you decide you want to make something part of your life, make sure it is valued at least equal to the other parts of your life if not more.

It hurts to be just a piece of furniture that gets discarded simply because it is assumed it will not fit, or you will not try to make it fit.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Amanda McGuire

Just a girl writing for fun… With a passion for helping others and striving to always be my most authentic self.

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