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A Miracle Cure available to all

A small drop to heal the world

By Warren BrownPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
A Miracle Cure available to all
Photo by ANIRUDH on Unsplash

Down in the jungles of the Amazon,

Where the sun climbs the tallest trees,

A new plant was discovered among the falling leaves,

A new discovery to change the world of man,

A hidden part of the Creator's natural plan.

An ingredient found so secret and rare,

To free man and woman of worry and care.

One special drug to make illness a memory,

One ingredient that can set mankind forever free.

A wonder in the world of medicine,

Where everybody can eventually win.

A miracle cure to be available to all,

To make humanity walk and never fall.

One ingredient to put in the fertile soil,

To free the farmer from misery and toil.

A simple drop of the cure in an open sea,

Would purify the waters as far as the eye can see.

Only a spoonful of this miracle cure,

Would make blood healthy and pure.

But, alas the greed and connivance of man,

Makes the cure disappear as part of an evil plan.

The cure is soon lost in the Valleys of Time,

Shrouded in malice, greed, hatred, and crime.

The secrets of the natural world are ours to enjoy,

Yet, in our avarice, we treat nature like a child’s toy.

Down in the jungles of the Amazon,

Where the sun climbs the tallest trees,

A new plant was discovered among the evergreen leaves.

The natural world is filled with flowers, trees, and bees,

Curative herbs, figs, concoctions, and fresh leaves,

With the ability to heal and cure if one believes.

Yet, we upset the natural balance of our beautiful Earth,

From the moment we suck in air at the time of our birth.

The Miracle cure will be found one sunny day,

Ours to treasure and enjoy in a healthy way.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Warren Brown

Warren Brown is an Independent Author and Publisher. Warren is a Life Coach, Writing Coach, Blogger, YouTuber, Artist and Copywriter. Warren lives in London.

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