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A Day at the Beach with Socks


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Once, I had a dear little cat

Whose name was Socks, a curious chat

With fur as soft as downy cotton

And eyes that shone like sparkling fountains

Socks was always by my side

A faithful companion, my furry guide

We'd roam the fields and climb the trees

And lay beneath the shade, at ease

But my fondest memory, dear Socks and I

Was on a warm and sunny day in July

We took a trip down to the beach

Where the sand was soft and the water reached

Our toes, the waves a gentle tease

As Socks chased seagulls and I basked in peace

We built sandcastles and played in the waves

Laughing and smiling, our hearts ablaze

As the sun began to set, we watched in awe

As the sky lit up with a dazzling array of colours, raw

Socks purred contentedly and snuggled close

As we sat together, feeling alive and whole

That day at the beach, with Socks by my side

It's a memory that will forever reside

In my heart, a treasure I'll always hold dear

A reminder of the joy that Socks brought, so clear

surreal poetry

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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