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A Bond That None Can Bind

An Epistolary Poem Celebrating Friendship

By SK PindiproluPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A Bond That None Can Bind
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Dear friend, a thousand greetings to thee,

Thou art never far from my mind,

For our friendship, so strong and true,

Is a bond that none can bind.

As the leaves turn gold and red,

And the harvest moon doth shine,

I think of all the joys we've shared,

And the memories that are thine.

From our youth, when we did play,

And laughed until we cried,

To the times we stood as one,

When the world was cruel and unkind.

Thou art a friend who doth bring,

A light into my life,

A ray of hope that shines so bright,

And fills me with delight.

So let us raise a cup of cheer,

To the love that we doth share,

And to the bond that binds us close,

As we journey on from here.

For though we may be far apart,

Our friendship shall endure,

And we shall share the joys of life,

As friends forevermore.

Thus do I end my letter here,

With blessings for thy name,

And with a hope that we shall meet,

Ere the end of time doth claim

Yours lovingly

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About the Creator

SK Pindiprolu

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