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3 AM Nightmares

A poem about the darkness within, everybody has it and mine comes out at 3am.

By NishckaPublished about a year ago 1 min read

3 AM Nightmares

When the clock strikes three,

Our memories are what I see.

your fake promises, your white lies

yes I know everything, don't get surprised.

You are the reason I have sleepless nights.

I remember when I loved you but you didn’t.

When I woke up I had a bad headache,

that is when I realized my mistakes

My life had a huge earthquake.

Everything was destroyed...

My soul was completely void,

and my happily ever after turned into a nightmare.

My life was unfair!

I cried I tried to stay alive

But I hoped I didn't survive.

When I saw it I was paralyzed.

I gave you everything and you killed me alive,

I hoped I didn’t survive!

I hoped I didn’t survive!

The pain I went through,

The tears of blood- are what I can think about.

I am just a puppet in the hands of society.

Who am I?

Who am I?

I shout to the mirror!

From the outside, I look just fine,

but from the inside, I die.

What have I done to deserve this?

I was in a crisis.

It came to a point where

I just didn’t want to exist.

I was drowning,

Drowning in blood!

My last hope died,When you killed me alive.

I want to sleep,

I am very weak.

Scratching myself,

Hitting myself,

Cursing the world

With chains, I am held.

I am helpless,

Who will remember me?

That is what comes to me when the

The clock strikes 3.

That is when I open my eyes.

The memories all flash by,

It was hard to get out of hell.

But I succeeded

I got out of the spell.

I was happy it ended.

I just pretended.

The memories still come back,

when the clock strikes 3.

All of them attack!

All of them attack!

sad poetry

About the Creator


Nishcka is a multi-talented student, dancer and writer. With a passion for the arts, she seamlessly combines her for movement and words. As a dedicated student, Nishcka's curosity knows no bounds, constantly seeking knowledge.

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