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I think I miss you...

By Hope KarejwaPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

I think I miss you, because I can't get you out of my head.

The only problem with that is how i've already left yours.

You practically packed my bags for me and sent me away.

It's no big deal, it's whatever actually, maybe this time I'll learn from my mistakes.

Except I didn't. I just took the vacation you packed for me, but when I returned it seemed the doors were locked and I... no longer had the key.

I tried knocking but no one answered, i could hear the laughter from inside though.

So i left, i understood i didn't belong in what i thought was a home, which became more of a motel I'd never stay at again.

It wasn't for, days, weeks, months even when you returned my calls apologizing for how it turned out and you hoped I was okay now.

Before that, before that you had almost became a tucked away memory but now you're vividly back. Your smile and laugh, the wrinkles on your forehead when you're upset, they're all coming back because of you.

How can you expect me to move on and be okay when you keep checking on me day by day?

How can you expect me not to crumble when i'm made of sand and you're every wave?

How could you lie? How could you lie when all I did was give you the truth?

Even after you've done these things... I think I miss you... because i can't get you out of my head...


About the Creator

Hope Karejwa

Letting go one step at a time, hopefully the monsters will move my pen faster than my thoughts.

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