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1:25 pm

A poem about someone I met across the street.

By nostalgia.radiošŸŖ²Published 2 years ago ā€¢ Updated 2 years ago ā€¢ 2 min read
1:25 pm
Photo by Chirag Saini on Unsplash

At 1:25 pm my delivery has arrived

I dig into the lunch that was delivered to me from Uber Eats

and sit on my patio peacefully

I take a deep breath and smell the warm food

that makes me salivate and lick my lips

I carefully unwrap the burger and take a big bite

and eat as if I've never eaten before

and close my eyes and let out the biggest YUM

then I look up and see your face from across the street

from your apartment window, in your own beautiful space

you're smoking a spliff, and exhale out and meet eyes with me.

it's now 1:42 pm.

Time has passed and now feels slow.

My heart beats fast, as I see your profile.

Your crooked smile, your freckled face.

You have beautiful brown eyes and long black locks. Your skin is like the beach sand.

I wanna sink my fingers into your warmness and take my time.

I want to feel the coolness of your earth.

But as you take another inhale of herbal smoke, I remember that I'm eating a messy sandwich

I look down at my shirt and see the lettuce all over my clothes

the sauce covering my hands and has also decorated my lips

into a sloppy, dripping mustache

I reach for a napkin and wipe my face

I look back up to see you're gone

I sigh and walk back into my apartment at 2 pm.

Hours passed and I walk by the patio window

hoping you went outside again

then give up before 6, and try to resort my mind to other things.

I realize that love at first sight doesn't happen like in the movies.

It's now 9:30 pm and I'm outside my patio again.

I see you later that night while I smoke my cigarette

I hold onto my peppermint tea as I sit down at the patio table.

I squint and see you eating a burger with fries and a soda

messy eater but happy eater

our eyes meet again and we smile.

You reach for a napkin. But this time you watch me as you do.

We talk to each other as we exchange our phone numbers with our fingers.

and text each other till 10 pm.

Maybe love at first sight can happen.

It happened for me at 1:25 pm.

love poems

About the Creator


---- Article & Fictional Writer On Vocal. Media ---

ā˜€ļø Host of the "A Collaboration of my Emotionsā€ podcast ā˜€ļø

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