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River Lagan. Walks. Part Twelve

Summer continues this June 2021

By Aunidan Christi KPGSPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Tortoise-Shell Butterfly.

The first Butterfly of 2021 sitting on the River Lagan towpath in all its striking beauty and colours.

Butterflies are also the sign of new beginnings, which is why I put the photograph of this one at the start of this part twelve of my River Lagan Walks.

When you see such beauty and detail, you know within your Soul that none of what is on the Earth-Plane, including this beautiful Butterfly is by chance, or evilution.

The Heavenly Human Beings, our Ancient Ancestors created all you see upon the Earth-Plane, including us, earthly human beings through the magical channel of birth.

As above, so below.

On Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Both statements are more true than earthly human beings comprehend.

I mean, think about it, everything just came together by chance!

Not on your Nelly.

Stalking in the Reeds.

Once more a Great Blue Heron graces my path as my evening out began and as you can see it was stalking through the reeds in the canal beside the River Lagan.

Grey Blue Heron in black and white.

I love experimenting with my photographs when I am editing them.

Black and white photographs never age and are very striking regardless of the subject you are photographing, so explore different ways of editing your photographs.

Me, Myself and I.

I thought I would let the reader see the photographer who brings forth the photographs you are seeing in my little stories and the writer of the words you are reading.

My tattoos pertain to my family bloodline of Stewart and the Spiritual Truth I write in my Spiritual guide books available on Christi

Good Morning Mr Magpie.

Even a single Magpie can brighten up my morning or evening out, which is why I love photography as my therapy.

A Beautiful Magpie.

Now many would say, “But Magpies are just scavengers, the Rats of the sky, along with other Crows and Gulls,” but I think they get a bad reputation because they seem to be greedy, but they are only trying to survive on this Earth-Plane, plus, if they grace my path as Noel, Monty and I walk slowly along, then I photograph it.

Starting out in Life.

All over the River Lagan, her towpaths, parks and pathways new life is out and about exploring their new surroundings.

Strikingly Beautiful Moorhen.

No matter what wildlife I photograph, all are beautiful in their own way as all my photographs reveal.

At times I am stunned by my gifted eyes capturing such beauty in and around the River Lagan, her towpaths, parks and pathways.

I never tire of going out in Mother Nature for an hour a week for my health, mental health and well-being, and for my writings projects and social media sites I am on, including the photography sites I am on.


The Mallard Hens and Drakes are residents on the River Lagan in South Belfast, Northern Ireland and I am sure near a river or lake near you, so get out and about in Mother Nature and chronicle your own walks in her.

Chillaxing on one Leg.

Both the Mallard Hens and Drakes are beautiful river birds with their own characters and ways.

Standing Tall in Life.

The old faithful Robin Red Breasts are always around as you slowly walk along the River Lagan towpaths, as they tweep from the trees and bushes along the River Lagan.

A Young Robin.

As already written the young of most of Mother Nature’s creatures are out and about this June 2021 and I never get bored of photographing them for my stories here on, and for my Rover Lagan Walks books published on Christi, and for my social media sites on and photography sites I am on.

Stunning Detail.

My Nikon CoolPix P900 camera amazes me with the detail of the subjects I photograph, from the smallest insect to the Moon, Sun, Planets and Stars above.

Swiss Air at 33,000 Feet.

I use Jetliners flying at 33,000 feet above Belfast and Northern Ireland to practice with the amazing zoom on my Nikon CoolPix P900, which as you can see is amazing.

This is also good practice for photography fast moving wildlife as many of my photographs show.

Sunsight on through Trees.

Sometimes I see a scene that would make a great piece of Digital Art and I photograph it, and when I upload the photograph to my laptop I have created an amazing piece of Digital Art.

Nature Selfie.

All is ”Forty Shades of Green,” this June 2021, and the warm weather is still with us, even though it has been overcast most of the time in the last week, with low pressure surrounding our wee country, meaning more cluster headaches than usual.

I have had a continuous one battering my brain now since I got up a 5am with it, and so far, none of my medication has been able to stop it.

The long headaches are called ‘Shadows,’ because they do not become fully blown cluster headaches, with their extreme pain, though shadows are just constant annoying pain, which makes it hard to concentrate and deeply depressed, and now the Atlantic Hurricane Season has begun, when a hurricane or tropical storm arrives in America, a week later it passes our wee country of Northern Ireland, which means low pressure and cluster headaches for me.

Belfast Canal Lock.

The locks are nice to see along the River Lagan and her towpaths, but do not venture into the water because they are deep dangerous stretches of water, polluted wherever they are.

Canal Barge.

You can even see inside one of the old barges When it is open beside the Lock-Keepers Cottage and Cafe.

Sometimes the Heron’s stand on it, so keep your camera handy.


At Shaw’s Bridge weir I captured this amazing Great Blue Heron standing tall against the fast flowing River Lagan rushing past it.

I love the way my Nikon CoolPix P900 camera captures the movement of the fast River Lagan as it rushes over the massive boulders that make up the weir below Shaw’s Bridge and of course the majestic Great Blue Heron standing tall on this Boulder in the River Lagan.

A Profile of a Great Blue Heron.

When a subject stays still wherever it lands will give you a great chance to get some amazing photographs of the subject standing still in or around the River Lagan in South Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Up Close and Personal.

Look how my Nikon CoolPix P900 camera captures every detail of this beautiful river bird.

I have ordered a battery charger for my Sony Carl Zeiss camera, which is also an excellent camera for capturing movement and still photography.

I do not know why I never bought one before when I lost my charger that came with the camera, but now I have, I look forward to using it again along with my Nikon CoolPix P900 camera.

Unmovable in the River.

You can see the power of the River Lagan fastly passing the Great Blue Heron, but the Heron is unfazed by the fast flowing river.

An earthly human being would not fair so good if they were in the fast flowing River Lagan, so you have to admire the strength of some creatures of Mother Nature.

Having a Shower.

I especially love this photograph of the Great Blue Heron because of how my Nikon CoolPix P900 camera captures the spray of river droplets flying past the Great Blue Heron.

All caught in a second of photography, which is why I love this photograph and all my photographs, because in this Earth-Plane of 7.8 billion earthly human beings, my photographs are unique to me, as yours are to you, so be amazed and proud of your photographs which come out good.

A Spa Day.

The Great Blue Heron was only there for a few moments, but it was enough time for me to capture these amazing photographs of it, before it took to the wing again and was off.

Up, up and Away.

Well that is part twelve of my River Lagan Walks over, which was a mix of wildlife, scenery and life upon and around the River Lagan and above it as my air travel photographs show.

My River Lagan Walks books available on Christi are much longer than my short stories on so check them out to see even more amazing wildlife and scenery in and around the River Lagan, her towpaths, parks and pathways, and flying above them.

I hope you enjoyed my latest short story and will join me in part thirteen of my River Lagan Walks, until then:

Best Regards:



About the Creator

Aunidan Christi KPGS

I am the Author of "The Spiritual Truth, a Guide into all Truth,” available on Amazon-Aunidan Christi, I am also the Author of “River Lagan Walks,” also available on Amazon.

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    Aunidan Christi KPGSWritten by Aunidan Christi KPGS

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