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Photography Tips for Beginners

Tips 101

By Michaela La BriePublished 6 years ago 3 min read

These fifteen tips I’m about to mention are for any beginner photographer that really want to make photography a side job or just to develop a new hobby and want to get good at it.

My first tip for beginning photography is to always have the strap around your neck because if you fall or someone runs into you, you won't drop the camera and break it. If you break the camera, that would be a total shame.

My second tip for beginning photography is to make sure you always keep it in your camera bag whenever you aren’t actually using it and always making sure you turn it off before putting it in the bag. I have made that mistake a few times.

Tip number three for beginning photography is that when you first start doing photography, you don’t want to go crazy buying the most expensive equipment right away because if you buy the most expensive equipment and in maybe a couple months or so you just stop, then you have all this expensive camera/photography equipment and you would have to sell it.

Tip number four for beginning photography is that you want to make a list of different shots you’d like to get.

Tip number 5 for beginning photography is to experiment with your camera’s settings because you never will know what your camera will do if you don’t experiment, even if you read the manual. For example, I have been doing photography since I was eight-years-old and now I’m nineteen and just this past year, I just found out that I could turn color photos into black and white photos.

Tip number six for beginner photography is that you should always learn the basic rules pf photography before you go out and buy any type of equipment, too.

Tip number seven for beginner photography is to try take to at least three to four photos a week.

Tip number eight for beginner photography is, even though using automatic is the easier way to go, you should always learn to shoot in manual model before you start using automatic mode.

Tip number nine for beginner photography is that you aren’t just a photographer. You are also a photographer, bookkeeper, marketing director, social media whiz, secretary, treasurer, and other titles, too. You have to be these titles because sometimes you can’t hire someone to do these things because you can’t always rely on them.

Tip number ten for beginner photography is that you have to be patient because becoming a professional photographer doesn’t just happen in one day.

Tip number eleven for beginner photography is that you should alway get outside inspiration from other people. For example, if you want to be a wedding photographer, you will want to look at other wedding photographers' work to get ideas.

Tip number twelve for beginner photography is that you need to market your photos like on a blog or a website, because if you don’t, you won't ever get your photos discovered.

Tip number thirteen for beginner photography is that you need to develop off-season income; like if its not summer time and you can’t do summer shoots, you will have to find other things to do in photos, like fall time photos.

Tip number fourteen for beginner photography is that you need to learn how to compose and frame your camera. For example, you need to set your camera's settings to the proper exposure and know how to operate your camera before starting a business.

Tip number fifteen for beginner photography is that, when you first start, to consider a tripod, so when you want to do group photos you can use the tripod instead of having a stranger doing it.

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About the Creator

Michaela La Brie

I love taking photos, I love hanging out with my family and friends. I care about my family and friends.

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