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Photography as a career


By OlaoluwaPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Photography as a career
Photo by Reinhart Julian on Unsplash

Photography is a very interesting career choice. It can take people to places they only ever dreamt of going. Although it is a lot of fun, it is also a lot of work. There is many different types of equipment, lighting, cameras, and photographers. You must learn about it all in order to choose the perfect type of photography you want to do. Photography, is not just about capturing photos of objects, it is about how photographers see the world. Being a photographer, there are many responsibilities you must have. For starters, photographers have to be able to market and/or advertis. This will help them to attract customers or clients. On top of being able to market and advertise, they must also be able to analyze and plan

Many people choose photography as a career because photos can amaze, shock, or inform if presented in the right manner. Photography is a good career if you enjoy presenting visually, and commutative. The salary range of a photographer can be from $10,000 to $30,000 a year. There are a number of universities that offer diplomas in photography. Some offer it as a three year integrated course and subsidiary subject.

Photography is a good career if you can communicate in visual terms, and can satisfy your clients to their individual needs.To be a photographer, you must have technical and creativity knowledge, the field of photography is constantly changing with the advancement of technology. Photography is usually art, sometimes craft, or even just a grabbed image. The fact that photography uses technology that has recently developed more than other forms of art can be very confusing but the fact is, photography comes from an image that is made, not taken. The ending result to an image can often invoke an emotional response, and can be very pleasing to the eye. A photographer captures memorable images for a lifetime. Elements of a camera There are many elements of a camera, and each element has a different effect on the photo that you're taking.

They must act like they are judging other photographers photos. This will ensure they have a great portfolio (“Portfolio 1”).

To be a good photographer, one must have certain skills. First, they must be creative. If every photographer took pictures of the same things, no one would want to buy their work. It would get very boring very fast. To help with this, try thinking outside the box. What have people taken the least pictures of? What have people taken no pictures of? This will help a thriving photographer advance in their work (“Job description 1”).

Another skill a good photographer should have, is the ability to pick very unique and interesting locations and items to take pictures of. For example, take a picture of a flower and place it next to a picture of a roaring lion, most people will want to choose the lion. Why is that? People simply find the picture of the lion more exciting. This is the perfect opportunity to travel and go to exotic places. It is a great experience and it makes you money (“Job description 2”).

A few decades ago, the suggestion of photography as a career would not have been taken seriously. Photography was once considered a hobby that could possibly get a person some extra pocket money. Today, though, photographers are in demand and respected financially. Photography has become a profession that has great commercial value. It can be the main source of income and a means to a comfortable life.

Photography is both a science and an art. It is about artistic expression, where the camera will replace the pen and paint, or tell a story without words. Photographers need to have many abilities. The most important ones are things such as visualization, arm-hand steadiness, idea generation, and originality.

There are a multitude of fields that a photographer can go into. Some of them require more schooling and are very selective, yet some are broad and require less then others. With all of these fields, a person has a wonderful chance of doing anything they want with a photography degree.


About the Creator


Ola was born 24th May 2011

He is a Story teller, Reasearcher, Poem Writer and lot more

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