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message in the heavens

By CarmenJimersonCross-SafieddinePublished 16 days ago 3 min read
I dropped the phone in my rush to share a million funnel spouts
  • SUNDAY MORNING THERE WERE GREY HOLES IN ENDLESS NUMBERS HOVERING ABOVE OUR HEADS in a none other than ominous demeanor... as gaping lips of funnel clouds, waiting. Blueness of a sky above was invisible beyond them. It was as though the grey pits loomed as a vacuum for souls taken and yet to be carried away for their ills done and yet undone. I waited beneath them for the change, but the stillness predominated. Nothing was uplifted and nothing fell from the above, yet there was a heavy feeling to the space around me and everything in vision's reach. Was I waiting for the vision so many have alluded for all the eras of mankind? Hours passed, six in the break of morning out of the night, until half past seven, nothing moved above the slow traffic of sparse automation along paved roadways. I sat, bit into egg and bread, sipped juice and the heavens sat idle. I snapped image after image to capture anything missed in my gazing up at the would be nothing... except grey billowing holes. To stare into the abyss of those proved nothing, brought nothing and gave nothing. There was nothing except the thoughts racing through my mind, and perhaps the mind of any other one witnessing the stillness of that hour on this Sunday.
  • Of late, I dared not pray out loud and avoided any related mannerisms and gestures to be read as a religous, racial, gender placed or sexual conotation idealized by haters of today's society. There are so many haters who hate intensely enough to void their own emotives, cancel their mainstay for enjoyment and comradery... call end to a "glee club", void the "Goodwill club" and cancel opportunites for "ON MY OWN TIME." Those are they that relish the re-enactment of all failed historic events; even those complained about in the many religious manuals. So much of the world population has grown impatient and tired of waiting for God's justice and resolution. They have grown tired of hearing of injustices by mankind to in favour of one branch of humankind over those others who suffered similar travesty. Tired of the partiality reflected for race against race when God's promise ensured so much more. I waited beneath the obvious recount of sins.
  • And so, I sat watching the overhead, waiting. Nothing moved... until well after seven. The sky shifted to the north and slightly east. The move affected no tree or bird on wing, nor did it take the lingered holes out of their posted shape. They simply shifted as a whole. By seven thirty the sun peeked through the greyness in the shape of a heart shining from on high and it was over. The audible sound of tires rolling, birds cawing and sounds of people chattering as they walked along a short path ahead of themselves. A car on the pavement ahead of me read, "He's coming back." As I digested the intent and purpose of the car owner's mind and message, I thought to myself. "We learned as early as early as Sunday School in our grandfather's church, that everyone is guilty of sins and that in spite of those sins, HE IS COMING BACK."Assuming the "he" referred to on the back window of that Sunday morning vehicle meant Jesus or God... anyone with half a thought of his or her own would wonder "Why would anyone return after such harsh treatment with the support of his or her own people, his own "kou" that condemned him in his own time and still do in this hereafter. For all these others who have watched them and the few who immulated those who would condemn "Him" stand waiting beyond that "judgement" spoken of for the GOD of condemning populations to hurry back and save all humanity. Would it be better not to be chasing the dream melded by those incapable of that first original compassion? Is it a better stance to be so expectant of a return, only after having promised ones life to be OTHER THAN LIKE THOSE of such a selfish demeanor. Is it better to be ever watchful, to be compassionate toward others "as we would have done toward ourselves," to "forgive the shallowness of mindset held by others" but KNOW where illness of heart and manner lay. Be a reflection of the intended and not the damned. I returned home to make breakfast... pancakes, sausage and eggs over easy with maple syrup.
  • He could "Come Back"... nothing happened beneath the holes in the firmament on Sunday morning.


About the Creator


A widow, sharing experiences. SHARING LIFE LIVED, things seen, lessons learned & spreading peace where I can.

Call me "Gina" ( pronounced "jeena" ) short for REGINA

more at my original page

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran15 days ago

    Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the Motivation community 😊

CarmenJimersonCross-SafieddineWritten by CarmenJimersonCross-Safieddine

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