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Tortoise As A Pet


By umamanidrahPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Tortoise Are Cold-Blooded:

It means that they are Ectothermic, However, these reptiles can use food as a source of energy to create their own heat. Tortoises have scales , these scales are much more fragile and thin, but not very shiny in colour. Tortoise has a strong shell to keep it safe.

Early Life :

When tortoise in the embryo its placode genes change. Its cells form on the back edge of skin and forms scales when it grows.

Serpentine Affected By Germs:

Although their shells are tough many of them are defenceless against viruses or bacteria passed by human hands. And the problem start with severe or worst cases when owner of pet decides to put a pet turtle into the wild,to engage with other animals and to get use to of that environment which is not a good idea in terms of health related issues,It can spread the deadly germs to other turtles and wildlife if the health of reptiles and other wild life is not prioritization list.

Health Problems:

Stomatitis which is also known as mouth rot. A wound which is present inside mouth of tortoise, bacteria cause infection inside the mouth of this reptile.

Most common symptoms including runny nose, listlessness, soft shell are vital signs of ignorance of health of a tortoise


Erythema due to vascular congestion, seen in reptiles as a pink hue in case of chelonians and crocodylians.

Petachiae (pin-point hemorrhages) seen in areas of mouth.

Salmonella can cause classical tuberculous lesions.

Fungal infections include Aspergillus and dermatophytes (cause of ringworm specially in mammals).

Ectoparasites (mites and ticks) parasites brought from bark chip.

Mites are commonly seen in snakes whereas Ticks are most common in Ophidians.

Symptoms :

Main symptoms are as followed:



Greasy discharge from mouth

Note : Problems mostly occur after hibernation

Preventive Measures:

Initially Temperature should be maintained.

Second healthy diet (VEGETARIAN DIET) should be there for ophidian

Ophidian As A PET:

It’s not a best or we can say ideal pet when it comes to indoor, but yes its an amazing outdoor pet and have long life. If you think that all tortoise are same we fell sorry no its not ,most of herpetologist live in humid environment like Red-Foot tortoise. Captivating Environment make life longer and healthier. Mediterranean species average weight gain between 1g - 3g per month.

Here are some of the species that mostly used as a pet with their shelf life or ages

Hermann's Tortoise 60 - 80 Years (Oldest recorded is 110 years)

Red-Footed Tortoise 50 - 60 Years

Yellow-Footed Tortoise 60 - 70 Years

Sulcata Tortoise 70 - 100 Years

Russian Tortoise 40 - 60 years



Stop giving Goitrogen rich food( Food that contain large amount of Sulphur), because it can disrupt the production of thyroid hormones.

Food Contain Phytic Acid

Avoid Phytic acid as much as possible. Dark green leafy vegetables should be recommended for tortoises for better growth.

Best way to feed reptiles are to keep on them on a fibrous diet like Berries ,Whole Grains, Avocados and other dried fibrous items of food.

Maximum amount of Calcium is important for long and healthy life.

Ultraviolet B or (UVB) are best way to synthesize Vitamin D3 for tortoise and reptiles..

Note: Avoid unrefined, prentice food like seeds, beans which contain large amount of phosphorus in it. Phosphorus rich food effects on thyroid gland which cause growth retardation in opidians.


Illegal buying of serpentine is not a joke its liable to imprisonment If you want to buy then buy it by legal process and also take good step for their life.

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About the Creator


Hello to all, My name is Umama Nidrah and by profession I'm a physiotherapist and I am seeking for Article writing , Blog writing that is related to health with some interesting initiatives which are also uptodate.

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