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The Food Chain- Are we really at the top?

The truth is spoken

By Grace Tudor-BeachPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

I'm going to start with a simple question; Does anyone really have the right to decide what a soul is worth? Humans certainly seem to think they do. We have always considered ourselves the best species with the most intelligence but why? It can't be because we're at the top of the food chain, because Lions are at the top too. In fact, if we were to face one in a fight then the human would loose. So I keep asking myself this question; Why do we think we're better than every other species? Why do we feel that our lives are worth more than theirs? It can't be because we're more intelligent, because we're not. We are what we consider to be intelligent, but there is not only one kind of intellectual capacity. Perhaps some animals think it's funny that we can't survive without supermarkets. Or do we think they're not capable of thoughts like us? Animals are not here for us to use and manipulate as we wish, but are here to live alongside us. This is their home too but we are too selfish to even let them keep their "habitat" or like I said before, their home. They can do everything we can do and more, so why do they still, after thousands of years of fighting for minorities to be equal, have no real rights?

So are we better because we can make technology? Because the majority of the human race doesn't have a clue how to design or make a laptop! And let's face it, phones and TVs come with a manual so that's not exactly using our own initiative is it? We have forgotten how to do the most basic things, from forming trusting relationships to simply entertaining ourselves. As a species, the most "advanced" western world now relies completely on technology to think of new ideas, for inspiration or even for reassurance. So I wonder whether this animalistic instinct that makes us the creatures we are, makes us love, play and feel is something we lose slowly as we grow older? Or is it just happening to everyone over time as technology takes over our world?

So what is it? Is it the medicine we use to numb ourselves when we don't really need it? Just because it's there. We have a headache, so do we consider water? Fresh air? Stopping the intake of alcohol or caffeine? No, we take a painkiller and continue to destroy our bodies until we can have free treatment. And I don't mean life saving medicines we would otherwise die without, I mean the ones we don't need. The ones that only hide symptoms of an unhealthy life until it catches up on you. We are so detached from nature that we can't even give birth properly anymore! I'm not blaming this on anyone and trust me, I understand what it must be like to have birth complications and I bow to anyone that has had to go through the trauma of that, but we now have women asking for a caesarean section because she, and I quote, "can't be bothered" or "don't want my body to change". This shows how bad we are as a species. Giving birth is the most natural part of life and should be wonderful. We should give thanks to the world for giving us such a beautiful opportunity as life givers. But no, us humans can't leave anything alone. We have to fiddle and obstruct until we feel we have left our mark. Birth didn't need anything changed, we had plenty of humans being born but we still weren't happy. Because we can't just let nature be nature. Let life be life, without altering it in some sort of way. Now, women want their babies cut out of them and to feed them a powdered formula. We think it's normal to torture cows and take away their babies so that we can have their milk, but we won't even feed our babies the milk that is made for them? Instead we force cows to be pregnant and then take their calves away so we can take what we want!

We pretend we help animals by putting them in zoos but that's only because other humans are killing them! We want to feel "closer to nature" so we medicate magnificent Tigers and tie them up so we can stroke them and take selfies with them. (A picture at the end of my story serves as proof.) We take away our pets reproductive organs and say "it's for their own good, they get too excited" but let me ask you this, would you not be frustrated if you weren't allowed near the opposite sex after reaching sexual maturity? How about if I also kept you on a lead and pulled at your neck whenever you got distracted by a sound of smell or simply wanted to say hello to another human? And what would you then do if I removed your testicles or womb without your permission and you could never have children? Living your whole life as a virgin, not by choice, and kept from doing the most instinctive natural act of mating? Wake up! It's not for their own good, it's to make your life easier! If or when these acts are committed on human's the whole world is appalled, but somehow to treat animals like this is common culture and is encouraged. Pets are now a fashion statement rather than a companion.

Personally, I believe animals are just as intelligent as us but I understand that some people need evidence. Well here it is; If a human was not very intelligent, couldn't talk or possibly had learning disabilities that prevented them from communicating how most people do and made them unable to control their impulses, would you do this to them? Would you remove their testicles because they kept trying to have sex? The answer is no. So the only remaining factor is that their souls are simply worth less than that of a human. There is the truth and you can think of it what you will, but if you have come to the conclusion that animal souls are worth the same as ours, then what is stopping us? Animals deserve a chance, just like women did, just like black people did, just like everyone did.

Here is a magnificent creature being drugged for our benefit. He was not put on this Earth to be tortured for our entertainment. Nor was he put here to earn money for his "owner".


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