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Teach Your Dog These Essential Commands

The Short Guide

By HasanPublished 5 days ago 3 min read

Dogs are intelligent, loyal, and loving creatures that bring joy and companionship to our lives. However, it's important to teach them proper obedience and manners to ensure a happy and harmonious relationship. Teaching your dog essential commands not only helps with their behavior, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. Here are some essential commands to teach your dog.


The "sit" command is one of the first and most important commands to teach your dog. It's a simple yet effective way to control your dog's behavior and get their attention. To teach your dog to sit, hold a treat above their head and say "sit." As they look up at the treat, their bottom will naturally lower to the ground. When they are in a sitting position, give them the treat and praise them. Repeat this process until your dog can sit on command without the treat.


The "stay" command is crucial for your dog's safety, especially in situations where they may be tempted to run into traffic or chase after another animal. To teach your dog to stay, have them sit and then say "stay" while holding your hand out in front of you with your palm facing towards them. Take a step back and return to your dog, giving them a treat and praise if they stayed in place. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay command as your dog becomes more comfortable with it.


The "come" command is essential for your dog's safety and to keep them from wandering off. To teach your dog to come, have them sit and say "come" while backing away from them. When they come to you, give them a treat and praise them. Repeat this process in different locations and gradually increase the distance until your dog can come to you on command.

Leave It

The "leave it" command is important for your dog's safety and to prevent them from eating or picking up something harmful. To teach your dog to leave something, place a treat in front of them and say "leave it." When they ignore the treat, give them a different treat and praise them. Repeat this process with different objects until your dog can leave something on command.


The "heel" command is useful for walking your dog without them pulling on the leash. To teach your dog to heel, have them sit next to you and say "heel" as you start walking. If they start to pull ahead, stop and say "heel" again. When they return to your side, give them a treat and praise them. Repeat this process until your dog can walk calmly by your side.

Teaching your dog these essential commands may take time and patience, but the end result is a well-behaved and obedient companion. Remember to always use positive reinforcement and never punish or scold your dog for not understanding a command. With consistency and practice, your dog will learn these commands and make your life together even more enjoyable.

To teach your dog to stay, have them sit and then say "stay" while holding your hand out in front of you with your palm facing towards them. Take a step back and return to your dog, giving them a treat and praise if they stayed in place. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the stay command as your dog becomes more comfortable with it.

So, start teaching your dog these essential commands today and watch as your bond with your furry friend grows stronger. And always remember, a well-trained dog is a happy dog.


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