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Puppy Luck

The story of how we came upon $20,000 by luck. And a pup.

By Tanya LewisPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Puppy Luck
Photo by Jordy Chapman on Unsplash

Here I am. Brand new at real estate. Well, not entirely because I’ve done it in the past but I’ve never really had the time to invest into it. My kids are finally back to school and the pandemic is nearing the end. Now is a good a time as any to start preparing for our futures. We are more financially stable than we have ever been so if it doesn’t work out, no big deal. I’ll just go back to doing what I used to do, customer service. Real Estate is just Face to Face customer service after all, isn’t it?

The area that we live in is known for its illustrious mountains and full, vast, colorful autumn leaves. The summers are warm and the winters are cool. People travel here to vacation. People go rent lake houses and go boating and fishing in the summertime. Lake houses. That’s where it’s at. And by “it” I mean the lottery of real estate. If you could sell just one or two houses on the lake, you would be set. Easy, right? Not even close when no one knows your name.

It was a bright, warm day in the spring. The weather had finally broken and the snow had finally melted. We now see signs of life peeking around every corner. The kids are playing. The birds are chirping. The dogs are barking. Usually busy with showings on the weekend, my husband and kids decided to take an impromptu trip to the lake on our boat. I rescheduled my showings for following day and grabbed my purse and my Little Black Book. I never leave home without this. I take down important information in this book and keep it on me at all times. This is like my diary, if you will.

A little over an hour later we arrive at the marina. We get out of the truck and throw our belongings into the boat. I let the sweet aroma of spring fill my mask-less nostrils. We wait our turn and we’re finally on the water. It seems like everybody had the same idea! We open the tube and let the kids go for a ride. Just up ahead we see a bunch of boats and wave runners. We slow down. We were approaching the opposite end of the lake when we see something in the water. It looked like a puppy. It appears to be lost. There was nobody around, though. We lure the pup to the boat. Poor thing appears to be starving. We wrap the pup in a towel and locate the owner’s information on the collar. We call the number. There was no answer. I leave a detailed message. Minutes later, we get a call back. It was an elderly gentleman. His name was Jack. He was absolutely relieved to hear that someone had finally found Duke! Jack said that he came up to the area to buy a puppy for his grandson. He let little Duke outside and he must have seen a squirrel and went running. Old Jack couldn’t keep up. The B&B that Jack was staying at was at the other end of the lake. Poor Duke had gotten lost.

Jack pulled up to the parking lot an hour later in his Rolls Royce to retrieve his dog. We chatted for a bit and he offered a nice reward for reuniting him with the pup. His grandson was going to be surprised!

Before he left, I wrote his name and number in my little black book. I handed him one of my business cards and told him to call me if he is ever back in the area; we would love to see little Duke again! He said, “Well, as it turns out I am looking to move right here on the lake!

TWO months later, Jack & Duke arrived at the lake house for the final walkthrough before closing. Everything is just as pristine as ever. He follows me to my sister office, not too far from the lake. We go through the paperwork and finally hand him a key to his $1.4 M home. He gets his lake house. My kids get a puppy friend for life. And I walk away with a $20,000 commission & a happy husband.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Tanya Lewis

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