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Osiris and Hooman: A Berner's Rescue

Given the title you must have thought that my Hooman was going to be the one telling this story. But you are wrong, this is Osiris’s (my) story telling time. The story takes place, title,

By Seiarrah JohnsonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Osiris the Rescue Berner

June 8th, 2021: I was born. I was given the name “yellow collar boy” at the time. As a little Osiris, I spent most of my time playing with my litter mates, sleeping, eating and repeating. I was not prepared for what would happen next but as a dog, I tend to live in the moment!

A few weeks after my birth, six hoomans came to visit my residence at the time. I realized some of my siblings were picked up and held by some of these new people. What I didn’t realize at the time, was that one of the hoomans was staring at me very attentively. Next thing you know, I was lifted into the air and placed into the arms of the warmest embrace I ever felt. I instantly closed my eyes, sniffed, gave a small kiss to the warm embrace and fell asleep. A few seconds later, the embrace was gone. I instantly became sad, but I was too sleepy to complain.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I just soul bonded with my hooman for eternity. Had I known at the time that it was that moment that I would be given the most important job a dog could ever be given, I would have SQUIRREL!!! Sorry, where was I? Oh…yes! A few weeks, passed and I continued to play and grow. I enjoyed my playing in the grass and enjoying a young pups life.

Aug 8th, 2021 @ 1:39pm ( and yes i can tell time): A car pulled up with the same six hoomans coming out of it. I started to get very excited as I recalled the last time they visited. This meant I would be able to feel that warm embrace again. A hooman with big eyes and even bigger smile picked up me. She was so warm. She wrapped me up in a blanket which I wish she didn’t because I instantly became hot and I was off. I arrived at my new home with no mommy and daddy, no siblings. I must admit I was sad and whined at first but my new hooman picked me up and rocked me to sleep.

From that day on, I went through rigorous training, I received lots of treats, hugs, pets, kisses, toys and food. In exchange for being cute and obedient. It was hard being cute all the time, but I eventually got the hang of it. It eventually just became easy. Sometimes I didn't need to do anything but just look at the multiple hoomans in the house. I discover that I like carrots and blueberries at this time. You should try some.

I spent the next months, getting to know my new hoomans Kaleb and Ceecee. My hooman mommy taught me many tricks. She gave me baths every Saturday and took me to doggy daycare everyday. My hooman Dad, took me on long walks, and played fetch with me. Life seemed very simple and fun. My hardest task was yet to come.

April 2nd, 2021: Both Hooman Mommy and Daddy were home working. I was taken my usually midday nap waiting for my afternoon walk. I was instantly woken up by a gut wrenching scream!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! It was so loud, i thought the walls were going to come crashing down. I woke up out of my sleep, and saw hooman mommy on the floor. I was concerned! I was scared! I never seen her in this state before. Even Hooman Daddy was scared. I started barking, there was gate in my way and I couldn’t make it to hooman mommy in time. Hooman Daddy ran to her, he asked her what was wrong. Hooman mommy said grandpa died. What does “die” mean and why did hooman grandpa do it? I had no idea what was going on but I was concerned, but I couldn’t do anything. I was stuck in my corner. An hour had passed and I could not go back to sleep. Hooman dad took me out of my corner. I was suppose to sit before a walk, but I instantly ran to Hooman mommy who was on the couch. I did my usual inspection of her to make sure she was not hurt. I didn’t understand emotional pain at the time, but i was going to get a pretty good idea over the next couple of months.

My hooman mommy didn’t do any of the things she use to do with me anymore. She hardly ever got out of bed. After her grandfather passed away, she spent a lot of time in bed. She wasnt eating as much or taking care of herself. She cried a lot and had nightmares. She would wake up screaming in her sleep. These were dark times for my hooman. I needed to do something fast. It was time for me to save my hooman. Everyday after every walk, I would run to my hooman mom and nudge her with my head. At first she would just turn away from me, but I was aggressively persistent. I followed my nudges with tons of kisses. When she laid in the bed, I would lay next to her and cuddle her. When she started to cry, I would lick her tears away (or at least try) and then keep giving her kisses. When it was time for lunch, I would bark at hooman dad and lead him to the kitchen. We had to make sure she was eating. When she was having the shakes and rocking back and forth, I would lay in her lap and try and help her stop shaking. My hooman dad said it was anxiety. When she would wake up scream, I would lean on her for pets.

My Hooman Mommy was getting better, she started speaking to another hooman that would give her advice. My hooman dad calls them Therapist. I went with my hooman to some of her sessions and she seemed very happy afterwards. When I went I received treats. I guess I was doing a good job. After a couple of months, she seemed to be doing well. Then one day, that all changed.

October 11th, 2021: “My Grandmother is Dead” I heard in a sad voice. My Hooman mom was on the floor again, crying, and shaking. I knew at this moment that I was going to have to keep working. I was going to have to save her again. Eventually all of the things I was doing to make my Hooman Mommy feel better no longer was a job. It was just my way of showing her I cared and I love her unconditionally. Her health is important to me, her love is important to me.

She has good days, and sometimes very bad days. Through it all, I make sure I'm there for it all. I do not understand the concept of death. But I do know that it hurts my hoomans a lot. My job is and will always be to save my family with the love I have. My hooman mom tells me that I am the greatest pup a gal could have. My Hooman dad always tells me I’m a good boy and that he doesn’t know what he would do without me these days. I wanted to protect the person who gave me the warmest embrace since I was a puppy. I know I did something right, I will continue to do what I do for my hoomans.

Hooman Mom always says” Her greatest memories are the ones with me in it” Thank you for rescuing me.

I am now my mom's services/emotional support animal!


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    SJWritten by Seiarrah Johnson

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