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My Dog's Birthday Is Today

A Special Day for Our Family

By Audrey GroomPublished 7 years ago 5 min read
October 1, 2017. Jack's birthday.

On September 30, 2016, my boyfriend and I decided we wanted a dog. My boyfriend's reason was to have a pupper to love on and spoil. Mine was to have company and protection when I was home alone. I'm also very phobic of ghosts and I thought a dog would have a sixth sense to warn me if a spirit was following me!

It was a Friday night when I found a website for a dog shelter. I felt like I was online dating — looking at all the pictures of these cute dogs. They were all smiling at me; begging me to take them home. Then I saw a beautiful white dog. His smile made me smile, and his fur looked long, soft, and gave him a cuddly look. The shelter had named him "Simba". I showed my boyfriend his picture, and he immediately said, "Oh, we have to go get him." So, the next morning we made it to the shelter only to find out that it was first come first serve and that we had to put our names down on the list.

"Shit!" I thought. There were two other people who were waiting to meet him. I knew he would be taken, but there were other dogs we could meet. People were going in and out of the rooms to meet the dogs they wanted to take home. We heard a little ruckus with the dogs behind the door where the dogs were kept — and out came Simba. I literally gasped. He was even more beautiful in person. His long white fur flowed as he walked. Majestic looking, really. Allister (my boyfriend) even stopped and stared. The shelter worker took him behind a door so he could meet the family. Anxious and impatient I watched the door. The shelter workers gave us papers to read about the dogs we were interested in meeting. I was also interested in an older dog named Oso. He was a German Shepherd/Labrador mix. I was reading about Oso's medications when they called our names. The families didn't want him, I couldn't believe it! But, we found out why.

We went in to find a rowdy one year old pup. Happy to meet us, he walked up and let us pet him and gave us kisses. The shelter lady explained he was a handful. Allister and I both were curious as to why.

"He needs a special welded crate. He broke out of a normal crate and jumped out of a two story window just to get outside."

"Uhhhhhh. Whoa," I thought. I really wasn't sure if we could handle a crazy dog.

She went on, "Unfortunately, he will always have to be kept on a leash. Because he's a runner. And he'll always be a runner."

Now I REALLY wasn't sure if I could handle a dog who would run away. He was friendly and playful, but what if he gets out? Allister just loved him and was ready to take him home. However, I was still interested in meeting Oso. Maybe a laid back dog would be better? Oso was very sweet, but he had seizures. If my boyfriend and I were to ever have kids in the future, we couldn't have a dog who could potentially bite them in the middle of a seizure. Met another dog after Oso. But still. That Simba dog was the dog Allister wanted. So I agreed to walk him. It was a great walk, the dog was very curious and smelled EVERYTHING. But I was still hesitant. Looking into his scared but friendly eyes touched my heart. And eventually, Allister convinced me.

The shelter said he was a Samoyed/German Shepherd mix, explaining the white coloring. He came with treats, a leash, a collar, microchipped, and some food. Best 220 dollars we ever spent. I rode with him in the back of the car on the way home. Poor dog was confused but happy at the sane time. He watched every car that went by. Unfortunately when we got home, Allister had to go to work later that day. However, he was able to stay long enough to help me introduce our boy to his new surroundings. We walked him around the property and into all the rooms of the house. Then Allister had to go. Leaving me with the newest member of our household. He seemed very sad and tired. It broke my heart to see him like that. I kept Allister updated through messaging how he was doing. He slept a lot that day.

Allister and I both decided we didn't like the name Simba for him. We threw names around to each other until finally, Allister suggested Jack. We loved it. Now, Jack was a wild child once he got over his new environment. He was (and still is) obsessed with outside. Windows are his friends. He would jump up on my kitchen counter to look out the window and broke some glasses! I was furious. But I understood he didn't know any better and it was time to get him some training. Poor Jack didn't even know what a bed was. He didn't know sit, stay, or down. I tried treat training. Ha! He's too smart for that. Eventually I took him to a local trainer. Boy, did she show him dominance. She was short lady who was extremely rough on him. But it worked. He learned really fast, read her movements, and obeyed before she said anything. It definitely made a difference with his behavior. He's doing so much better now than he was a year ago. It really does make me sad that someone neglected him or gave him away just because it takes a little effort to train and handle him. I have wondered if someone got him because he's cute and then gave up on him. Or he escaped and ran away? Or maybe he was born a stray. I will never know. I still don't know what breeds he's mixed with exactly. Everyone tells me something different. German Shepherd/Samoyed. White German Shepherd and a little Australian shepherd. Or Husky/Shepherd. Either way, he's beautiful and sweet. Everywhere we go, everyone tells me how pretty or beautiful he is.

To celebrate his year with us/birthday, my Grandmother and I took our dogs to play at the dog park, and they had a blast.

Jack has been a light in my life. He's happy to see me when I come home, he's VERY protective of me, and he loves kisses. I can't wait for more years of fun and life with this silly boy. Happy birthday, my dear Jack. We may have rescued you, but really, you rescued me. I will always love my best friend.


About the Creator

Audrey Groom

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    AGWritten by Audrey Groom

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