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Meeting Mr B 🐾

Mr B & Lola ❤🐾❤🐾❤

By Fabulous I AMPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
The 1st day they met

The 1st time I saw Mr B. I fell in love with him. I think he fell in love with me too. Our energy together was priceless.

He was the cutest lil guy I had ever seen. His cream & white coloring, with these big brown eyes & the cutest pointy lil big ears. He is a 8 month old chihuahua / pomeranian mix. Mr B was rescued from an abusive home and this guy I was dating at the time rescued him from that situation. I then rescued Mr B from the guy I was dating. I believe he (the human guy) thought Mr B was there to rescue him instead of the other way around. He wasn't properly caring for Mr B, For the age he was he wasn't going potty outside, he was left alone all day long while the guy went to work all day & the bar all night afterwards. He had him scratching with an infestation of fleas for a couple of months. I can't begin to tell you the numerous amount of arguments we had that were brought about because of him not caring for "B" correctly. I used to ask why am I arguing with you over "your" dog?

Things in the relationship were not healthy and very toxic. I couldn't engage in this toxicity anymore. I told him I can not hang out with you because I wanna hang out with your dog. Mr b & me had a relationship that was awesome. He was my bestest friend & companion.

I wanted to spend my time with him instead of anyone else. We would go to the park, the beach, walks in the neighborhood, etc. I took him everywhere with me. So anyways,

The guy ended up messing up big time & was placed into a physic evaluation place for 3 days. While the police were taking him away I told them he had a dog in the house I needed to get him. The guy agreed & gave the cop his keys so I could get in and go get Mr B. That entire weekend he spent with me, I took him to the vet for his shots as well as getting the flea situation taken care of. I went for a visit with the guy & told him I am getting Mr B licensed to me. He wasn't fit or ready to have a dog.

He was brought into my life for a reason & me into his. He will now be in his forever loving home to be treated as my baby. He is now 4 years old.

We have such a special unbreakable bond. That’s MY BOY & I’m his momma. I don't have any human children so yes he's my child. My kids have paws 🐾.

Mr B N me & we love each other so very much!

We've enjoyed so much together.

He loves going for rides in the car, going to different doggy parks & beaches, buttt most of all he just wants to play ball!

Of course he has A BALL, THAT'S JUST HIS.

He doesn't want anyone else to play with it, just me & him.

Mr B is pretty aggressive around other doggy's & he can get a bit barky towards humans too, especially if he thinks they are approaching his person (ME: his momma) he becomes very over protective.

Mr B N me have lived in Florida for the past few years but we have also traveled the country 2x just this past year.

(Mr B voice)

Oooh my gosh, I been soooo many places & met soooo many people.

We went on a road trip to meet my momma's family up in New Jersey, then we drove all the way across the country in the car, it felt like it was taking us forever. I guess 5 dayz in the car will do it to ya. We stopped in a bunch of places on the way.

My life as a dog has been quite fun & interesting. I got to go & see a lot of places some people will never get to see.

I got to run through the Utah canyons & leave my paw prints on them beautiful rocks.

Then after that I got to experience Fremont St. In Las Vegas NV. This was before the pandemic, when it was really kool on the strip. I was the ONLY dog on the strip (cause I'm momma's support dog) but I got soooo much luv & attention, I felt soooo special like I was THE BIG STAR that night!

Once we left Vegas we headed home to Florida again. We only stayed about 2 months & then flew back out to cali right in the beginning of 2020. I believe the 15th of January to be exact. Momma was there for work so we were traveling all around the state, staying at different homes through an air bnb app. Buttt there was this 1x she couldn't find a place & the hotel rooms were outrageous in price. Luckily for us someone referred us to a place in Tulare which was the name of the city but also the county of Tulare, California. Never heard of the place, well come to find out, it's 1 of the biggest agricultural counties in the country. We stayed there for about 2 weeks.

We couldn't take waking up to the smell of cows poop every morning.

Yuk! So it was time to get outta there, but just a few days before we were leaving. I went out back to potty early this 1 morning & met this lil purrrty gal. Oooh...She was foxxy.

Mr B says to the gal:

Uh oooh momma's callin me…

I gotta goooo, the lil gal followed…

I already said I don't like other dogs, & how jealous I am of anyone near my momma.

Buttt this 1, this 1 here there she was something different about her… she was special.

Mr B looking at the gal dame saying…

this is my mom, she's my human person, she cares for me. We luv each other like no other.

As Mr B looked at me he had his forever smile & said "momma can she come in?" He looked so excited & happy I couldn't say no. She was a pretty lil gal.

I told them both to get in the house.

They were bouncing around playing with each other, they were soooo very happy to have found one other.

It was luv at 1st sight. They fell in love instantly. They were inseparable. He's her ying like she's his yang. They are each other's twins just exactly opposite.

I was not looking for another dog at the time buttt also thought it would be a great companion for Mr B while I'm out working & he doesn't have to be home alone.

The dame had no name or license tag, this lady tried to claim her as hers but that wasn't happening after 3 red flags in a matter of 5 minutes. I knew she didn't really belong to her. Come to find out from others this lil gal was a stray in the neighborhood.

If we're gonna keep this gal, well now we gotta name her….

Singing Barry Manilow… at the copa, copacabana…

We all know that 1 right…

Her name was Lola…she was a showgirl. With yellow feathers in her hair & her dress kut down to there.


The dam responded to it, sooo that was her name… LOLA!

Lola is a gorgeous lil chihuahua/ terrier mix, with colorings of a rottweiler on a husky looking face.

She looks like she should be a big dog but this petite lil gal is only 10 lbs. After looking up different terrier breeds, a Manchester terrier is what she resembles most, she's got a mask on her face & she's definitely a hunter. She fits all the characteristics to be just that, with cute pointy lil chihuahua ears.

Precious lil gal she is.

It was about 3 weeks- a month later…

Omg there's a world wide pandemic & people are freaking out!

Lola talking to Mr B

Momma's freaking out, I keep hear her saying we gotta get home.

Where's home? I thought we are home?

Mr B

No lola we flew on a plane to get here, I sat on momma's lap when we flew waaaaay up in the air.


I hear her saying I have to go to the doctor's, who is the dr?

I have to get my shots? Omg what shots?

Mr B

It's gonna be ok Lola, momma will take care of you. You have to see the doctor & get your rabies shot, that's so that if you bite a human / animal you can't give it rabies.


I didn't have a human momma to take care of me, my real momma left me really young. I been on my own all this time.

Mr B

Jeez that stinks, I kinda know how you feel or what you mean. Buttt who cares your here now & (jumps on lola & says your it!)

They start wrestling around with each other.

Arrive at the doctor's (veterinarian)

He does regular exam

Says she's in perfectly good health, she's about a year and a half to about 2 yrs old. She's a baby. She's got great gums & teeth, regular heart rate etc etc… Lola is a normal healthy dog.

I mentioned to him about a pregnancy test… he suggested an ultrasound…



( I mean yes it's a beautiful blessing but being pregnant means she can't get her shots, which means she can't get on the plane with us)

Oooh noooo… what are we gonna do?

Mr B

Luckily momma knows alot of people & in other states & places.

Momma had a friend that she asked for a favor to keep her till she got home & then momma would figure out how to get her. So that's what we did. Momma & me got on a 1 way flight to Tampa FL. We got home & I don't think momma really knew where we were going, like I said thankful she knows people. We went by her friend's place & lucked up to stay in her camper. This was our new address for a little while. At this time the entire world is in a quarantine until further notice. Momma was an essential worker so she was able to go out to work everyday.

I was soooo sad, depressed, & lonely. How could they separate us? We were so perfect, sooo meant to be… how could this be? I'm not happy without my Lola.

I don't wanna eat or drink cause all I see & think about is you. Boohoo…

Cries.. I just want my Lola back!!!

Lola (in Las Vegas)

Boohoo… sad crying depressed, lost without her Mr B & who are these people? Oooh noooo how could they just leave me here? Alone? I don't know these humans!!! I want MY HUMAN! MY MOMMA & MY MR B!!!


I kno they didn't quite understand what was going on…

Buttt you see, I had to figure out her ground transportation to get her home to us. I called another associate I kno, she happened to be right by Vegas & was willing to pick her up and bring her home to us, but 1st she had to stop by her family for a few days.

What a stressful week that was for all of us involved.

Saturday the 4th of April 2020.

We meet & pick up lola here in Florida. She has finally arrived.

Omg how happy they were!

They couldn't believe they were gonna see each other again.

Mr B

Omg Lola is that really you?

I can't believe it's really you!

Yaey!! I thought I'd never get to see you again, & my best friend was just gone forever 😥 omg I missed you soooo much… I'm so happy to see you!!!

We can be best friends again!!! Yessss!!!

Soooo I see you gained a few pounds being pregnant huh? Sheesh

I'm just kidding, who cares, you're here now… yaey!!

We're together again & you're my bestest friend till the end!!

Lola has been home for 2 days but it was the weekend, so we had to wait till Monday morning to go see the vet, to see just how far along she was.

The vet seen her, took her temperature & said to momma

Your in luck girlfriend, she's having these pups in 12-24 hrs.

WHAT? OMG! I thought momma was gonna have a heart attack.


We went home & momma left for work & my puppies just started coming out.

I started giving birth on Monday about 4 pm & finally stopped Tuesday about 2 am. I had 7 beautiful babies. Funny thing about them is only 1 came out looking like me, 1 came out all white, all the others were cream with white markings, just like Mr B ❤

I took care of my babies like a champ! All natural love & goodness!

Momma helped me of course because 7 was alot for my lil petite body.

They were draining me wanting to just eat all the time, nursing that many isn't easy. I needed some help. I am grateful she loves me that much to be there for me like that.

Lola's pups

They were all a blessing in their own unique ways.

The runt of the litter was the last 1 out. A precious lil tan female that we would call Lucy, like in…

Lucille Ball. She was always getting into something, or trying to start something & get caught type stuff.

A huge blessing came when I met her forever momma & home, she was actually able to keep 2 of the pups, so I didn't have to separate them, they were soooo close.

The next to last was the only 1 who looked like me. Momma named him Hermann, she said he reminded her of her God father who was her uncle. He is chocolate brown in color with touches of tan. His front paws look like he has a pair of uuuugggsss on. It's so different.

Next on the list is lil Cinnamon, she was all tan, & the last pup of the litter we had to find a loving home for. It wasn't hard finding them homes, it's the right homes!

All 7 went to good loving homes. That was the price. I didn't sell them but yes wanted a small donation just for the simple fact that nobody appreciates nothing they don't pay for & these babies were so precious.

I went through alot over those 6 through 8 weeks of puppies. But so very worth it.

Now it's back to just us 3… Mr & Mrs B & me ❤🐾❤🐾❤

We are a happy family


About the Creator

Fabulous I AM

Heylo & welcome

I am Tobey Pica creator, Founder of

Fabulous I am ...









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