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Making Your Dog Happy

By Promise OgwuPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

One of the most crucial aspects of being a good pet owner is ensuring your dog's happiness and health, and we're here to show you how simple it can be to keep your four-legged buddy feeling paw-sitive. Giving your dog lots of love, care, and attention will go a long way toward keeping them happy, whether it's adding a little more cuddle time on the couch or changing up their walking schedule. While each breed will have different requirements, there are several things that are nearly certain to make your dog happy. Here are some of our tried-and-true advice for keeping your dog content and relaxed:

Play games with your Dog indoors.

Playtime with your dog is sure to be impacted when the weather outside turns dreadful and we stay indoors. However, this is the time when your imagination can really soar, and the chance to play enjoyable indoor pet-friendly games is great. Playing simple games like hide and seek with your dog is almost certainly going to make him happy. Keep them there until you choose a nice hiding place. Also, don't forget to thank them when they find you!

Compliment your Dog physically and orally

The key to your dog's happiness is maintaining a healthy relationship, and one of the greatest ways to achieve that is by giving them verbal and tactile praise. It entails complimenting and caressing your dog for their efforts; they don't need to be performing very well as long as they are aware of your presence and encouragement. Even a few minutes of praise will help them feel at ease, secure, and cherished.

Keep windows open

Even while we would love to spend the entire day giving our canine friends belly massages and playing frisbees, it's still important for them to remain stimulated. In order to keep their sight, hearing, and sense of smell active while you are at home, don't be afraid to leave the windows open. This is only a good idea, of course, if the weather is nice and you have sturdy screens to keep your dog from jumping out.

Rotate your Dog’s toys.

Dogs respond favorably to diversity and excitement, just like humans do. As a result, rotating their toys is a very smart idea. To keep your dog occupied and, most importantly, happy, switch up their toys occasionally, whether you have a few lying around or many dispersed throughout the house. You don't need to acquire new products all the time; frequent rotating replacements usually suffice to prevent boredom from creeping in.

Make bath time enjoyable.

You wouldn't believe how pleased your dog can be when taking a bath. While your dog generally doesn't need a bath every week, giving them a regular bath will keep them feeling clean and fresh, and it should be enjoyable for both of you. Try complimenting and conversing with them while they are taking a bath, and add a few toys for extra enjoyment. Your dog will be happier whenever it's time to take a wash if they're more interested in the enjoyable aspects of doing so.

Sample new foods

The type of goodies you give your dog directly affects how happy they are, so it's a good idea to occasionally switch things up. If you're feeling particularly crafty, you might take advantage of this occasion to create some incredibly tasty DIY dog treats that your canine companion will appreciate. Include foods they like, but keep in mind not to overindulge or stray too far from their typical diet to prevent upset stomach.

Adhere to a schedule

Making a few small, beneficial adjustments for your dog on a daily basis is one thing; completely changing their schedule is quite another. Dogs need the stability and dependability of a structured life because they are creatures of habit. This is why it's important to maintain a routine as much as possible as we spend more time at home and work from home. We are convinced that if you devote specified hours to various tasks, your dog will adore it.

Teach new skills

There's always something new for your dog to learn, and showing them a few new tricks is another fantastic method to keep them content. If there is enthusiasm, training can be done even if they are not champions in agility or obedience. And despite what the proverb says, even old dogs may pick up new skills, so incorporate your senior in any novel activities you have in mind.

Take care of yourself

Perhaps one of the most disregarded ways to make your dog happy is to look after yourself. Your dog may respond negatively if you are anxious or exhausted. Miserable owner and unhappy pet as a result. Even while meeting your dog's requirements is essential, you should also prioritize your own health. To the delight of both you and your dog, a little self-care can go a long way. There are constantly new ways to improve your dog's quality of life, but with our hectic schedules, it can occasionally be challenging to set aside time to consider their emotional needs.

Maximize your daily exercise.

Your dog will benefit from walks for both their physical and emotional health. These enjoyable and healthy adventures provide your pet the chance to explore new things, feel excitement, and let off any pent-up energy. Additionally, they offer tranquil, meaningful time that is ideal for building bonds with your dog. To keep this priceless "together time" engaging and entertaining, try to vary the route sometimes near your home. If you are not self-isolating due to the coronavirus, take advantage of your daily exercise by having other family members take the dog out with them as well. This will ensure that the dog gets enough time outside the house to stretch his legs.

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About the Creator

Promise Ogwu

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    POWritten by Promise Ogwu

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